Oct 20, 2004 17:18
well im gonna use this entry as a means of apologising to everyone, hopefully when you have read this you might get stuff a bit more.
i have been really moody lately, its not coz im in a mood with anyone.. far from it really, im just so angry with myself really. at school i duno, i just kinda convince myself that no-one wants to talk to me or be with me. i make up in my head that people would rather talk to other people etc. little things like when people don't talk to me much at break or something really get to me. its my fault tho.
and like in german, when im not really involved (mainly because i suclude myself) i get really down, its really stupid and after the lesson people would think im in a mood with them, when im really not...
this saturday we are all going to nhoi.. and im really looking forward to it, but in a way i really don't think i deserve to go. because im going to be the only single one.. once again im goingto suclude myself. im just so worried that everyone else will be with their partners and that im gonna be left on my own. im not angry with anyone for being with some-one else... have a boyfriend, in fact im soooo happy for you all!!! but i think it may come across to you guys that im angry, when to be honest im angry at myself for not being good enough to have some-one.
i just feel really bad because i think i have been giving out the wrong signals.. singals that say im angry with you.. when im not. so i wanted to try and explain things a bit. im so happy for you all and i love you all to bits!!