back to the begining.
summer ended. it was full of nothingness. i ran and swam and prayed that i would get taken away to somewhere with people. school began. i was lost in everything and everyone. the world can feel so different when you have to adjust and step outside of something so comfortable and real for you. no one knew me here. i was a no one. teachers couldn't say my name, which is something i have become used to since i can remember. cross country was some what of a comfort zone. the people were nice (most of them) and they had all gotten to know me a little. i have to admitt i felt very unwanted. we were a groupd of four and sometimes more. then somewhere along the lines after homecoming we broke apart to be two groups of two, cutting otheres before we broke up. sigh...homecoming. that was something all on its own. i was unaware that highschool drama could escalate so much in a matter of a week. "how are you getting there?", "which limo are you taking? can i come with?", "who are you going with?", and of course "what are you wearing?". i delt with all of those questions, yes i went with a friend and yes i really did not have an AMAZING time and no i wouldnt take it back for the world because i love my fatty and lukie and erin too much to do that. you can add of course the drama over homecoming court. wow i had to vote for people i didnt even know that is something amazing. yeah and then there was of course the football games which i can say i rarely attended because of cross country and school and the need to sleep and eat. the one game i am very gald i went to was the Chargers-Warriors game. our team may have sucked this year and the chargers may have been the better team but we did win the game. you can ask the man in the zebra shirt, he called it not me. actually if we really want to get down to the nitty gritty that is when the slow walk down hill all started....back to after homecoming. yes we were no longer the four we were down the the two sets of two. and yes at some point we wanted to kill each other. cross country ended. winter came. somewhere in the process i went to a party that was aweful for all the westlake kids in attendance and i got used for a month as a release and shared a guy with my closetest friend. winter vacation was too long at first, then not long enough. my days were shorter but for some reason i seemed to do less then before. i had p.e. which was all together aweful...i was ready to just stop running. winter formal was here and i had an amazing time!! it was just great to run around and go crazy with the people i felt the most comfortable with. the seasons all changed and swimming was here. i almost didnt try out. i almost changed sports just so i could have a piercing. but i got in the pool and started my swim season off in the slow lane, with the coach not even knowing my name. the first meet was here and i was not put into a race. my coach learned then that he almost made the biggest mistake of his life. and then i became a breaststroker. kristina and i talked about many great things in life...a few being mini water balloons, jedi masters, and those guys who you just end up hating. she and i have come to be friends and she even came to watch me swim with my other woman. swim season was going great. i had the first fight ever with my woman and it was over something i cant even remember.we both had our birthdays and someone hit my giant balloon...i was really sad. then WHAM! spring break...i learned how awesome some of my football players were and i also learned how far some of my realtionships could go. it was then i knew i had loved someone but that love had died. back into school and i was still in the pool everyday swimming for something i thought i could get. i finished off the season undefeated and league champ. running is going to be so relaxed compared to the pressures i felt during swim, all of them put on by myself. and now star testing is is coming to an end. summer is near. that for me means i will be home, running, and going to the gym. most of my days will be spent with my brother and sister. it will be a long summer...
overall...i learned somethings about me, people, life, and the things that are really important, things i need, and the things i dont need i feel more whole....
hi im sugeera. who are you? and how was your year?