Mar 25, 2007 15:18
I swear I want to update this thing more. I do. I just can't help but procrasinate though. So how is everyone? Good I hope. I have been very very busy. Oh BTW! For the people who are invited to the wedding, I sent out the inviations on Thursday. So you should be getting them any time now. I guess it's really offical that I am getting married now. I realized it because I had a dream this week about it and it seemed so real. Only 41 days left and I will be a married woman. It's weird that I am not done with college yet but it's ok. Because now I have someone who can push me on my lazy days of school and who will always be there for me. I love Jeremy and I am ready to spend my life with him. People may think I am too young to get married but who cares? We are perfect for each other. In about 2 weeks we have to go get our marriage license. That will be fun. Now we're just waiting for Jeremys passport to get here so he can have it when we go on our honeymoon. We're taking a cruise to the Caribbean. He's never been on a cruise and I know for a fact he will enjoy it.
Today is also my moms birthday. She turned 50 today. I sent her flowers from Jeremy and I and yet it doesn't seem like I did enough for her. When I called her earlier to see if she got them or not she gave me such attitude about it. Like I didn't really care about her birthday. But yet she owes me how many birthday dinners now? I think it's three now. I dunno, whenever my birthday comes around I want to go out to eat with my family but yet she always makes an excuse of why she doesn't want to go. Which is such crap. But yet I still take my moms bull shit and still love her. Sometimes I just want to say Fuck Her and never talk to her again but I just can't. I love my mom, I do.
Oh! I don't know if you would call it "trying" but Jeremy and I talked about it and we do want to have kids. I want to have kids by thime time next year. I am hoping to be able to get pregant by July. I am crossing my fingers in hope of that. I know once again people will disagree with me cause I am too young. Well a baby is something I really want. My niece, Jeremys brothers little girl, is adorable and whenever I look at her I just want one even more. I think Jeremy feels like that as well but he won't admit it. I want at least three kids. I either want 2 boys and a girl or all girls. That would be awesome. But I will accept whatever I get. I just can't wait to go through the whole pregnancy and everything. Some people think I am crazy but I long for that. So weird but yet true.
I am going to see if my laundry is done now. I will update hopefully tomorrow. Bye for now!