man on man

Aug 08, 2007 16:30

am back from Miami and it was marvellous. Did much drinking/swimming/hanging out with pornographers. Had crazy conversations about anal gangbangs and squirting over lunch [came back to work to notice one of the girls I was having lunch with on a movie box cover - I hadn't realised she was a performer at the time]

Back at work now though and it's stressful as always
[what is it with all these Big Brother girls and their pornos??]

But, yes, work.
I've decided to write a piece of why women like gay porn, as I know we have a fair few female members of our gay movie site.

If anyone reading this is A)female and B)likes male gay porn/sex and fancies sharing with me why they like it, what they like about it, how they got into it, etc etc
please do so in comments here [screened] or email to hellen @

It's mostly so that I can base the article on more than just my own experiences. I may anonymously quote people, let me know if that's not going to be ok with you.

Whoo porn.

porn, travel

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