Hello World

Feb 23, 2007 09:31

So I realized that I am a terrible person. Yesterday I had some drama with my mom and I decided to cancel a bank account I have with her because I didn't want any money issues to come between us. Well, I remember her saying she cashed her checks at a credit union so I wasn't worried about it. Well, when we finally talked after the drama, which was basically over, I realized that she used our shared account (in my name) and I had prettty much screwed her. Yay for me being a terrible person. Now I have to figure out a way to help her. Dammit.

Plus credit card companies suck and so does interest! They make way to much money of us. People we need to boycott Credit Cards...They are sucking the life out of young people. Anyone out there not have atleast $1000 in credit card debt? When the national average is like $10000 to $15000. That is insane. I will pretty much be paying off my cc and loans until the sun expands and destroys the earth. Nice huh? Atleast I've paid off one card, and Jake's is about to be paid off, but it still leaves loans.

I have to admit that I didn't learn enough at college for it to be worth all the money I paid, all the grant and scholarship money, or the loans that I took out. Maybe the problem wasn't college in general, maybe it was CMU. That school sucks more then any other college out there. If it wasn't for Jake and Alpha Chi, I would of left college with nothing!

A degree is nice sure, but my experience with catering got me the job I have now, and the job I get next will be based on the experience I gain here at NCSS. So Screw Central..I will never donate money as an alumni!
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