a quick one while he's asleep

Dec 18, 2007 17:14

While I also take the opportunity to thaw the bag of vegetable soup from the freezer, cycle laundry, and download the Extras special...

These are how the (week)days go: Hannah wakes Sam at 5, feeds him from her and he's (usually) back to sleep by 6:30. Hannah leaves by 7, and I get the other half of my 'night's' sleep. Up again at 8- 9 if, like today, I'm lucky -to warm up 6 oz. of filtered water, add three scoops of formula, shake well, change his diaper. Downs the 6 in about 15 minutes, burps/spits, plays (consisting of staring at me and/or the tree and/or the ceiling fan, furtive grabbing for whatever's within reach, sucking on the lower lip, being forced to hold head up, listening to the sound of our own voice, pooping- though that he's now comfortable enough to do in his sleep -and more spitting up) for about an hour, then back to sleep for an hour and a half. Repeat at 3-hour intervals until about 6 o'clock, at which time he feeds from Hannah again and then fights sleep for an hour before finally drifting off at about 10. (Yes, he's been sleeping through the night for a couple weeks now, can't complain; on weekends he'll go past 7, even.)

By noon I'm usually awake enough to get some things done. "Things" include dishes, bills, laundry, cleaning, and reading the daily litany of sites. Today included all of these, but not yet a shower; tonight I work at 8:30, and the next three days at 5, so I'll have to kick it into gear. And somewhere in there I need to pack for next week.

I had some other, more contemplative/introspective thoughts today, re: fatherhood & my unassailable masculinity, while on the glider with Sam, but, as so much of my brilliance does, they escaped before they could be captured.

The glider corner seems to be where the muse likes to visit me these days- and me without a third hand to type with.
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