Feb 01, 2023 19:06
I believe this interval from November to February 1 marks my longest space between posts on my weblog. The pause was less a matter of intent and more a matter of no matter at all.
I did not chronicle some work challenges in November. I missed writing about our December holiday visit to Kansas City, where I got a cold that kept me from some of the best things in the visit.
My birding for 2022 in my local county reached a lesser figure than usual--the count stopped at 94 rather than over 100. This year I am at 53 after January.
I launched a Mastodon account, gurdonark@noc.social. I like searching Mastodon for interesting nature images. It will take a long time to have as many followers as on Twitter.
We had a nice visit with our niece. We had a great Thanksgiving Dinner with our nephew and his significant other. We joined my brother's family for Christmas Eve dinner at the restaurant called Texas.
This week a huge freeze and ice storm has kept me working from home Tuesday and Wednesday. Sparrow sleeps in his chair while I work. My wife works in her office.
I was going to Savannah, Georgia for a conference today, but the ice put paid to that. I will attend at least part of it virtually, assuming the tech works out.
I finally finished Wil McCarthy's novel "The Wellstone" after reading it on and off for months. I rarely encounter a novel that I both like and yet find to be a long read. Now I am working on Edward Thomas' In Pursuit of Spring.
Sparrow graduated from Advanced Obedience. He learns new things every week