Too Unfocused To Update

Feb 23, 2015 23:31


Uh.. Currently I'm in the middle of everything; I'm going to resign from the company next month, we're going to move to another city soon, my sis is going to uni, and I'm seeking for job too at the moment.....................
Many changes are about to happen and I figured that I can't handle so many changes at once; my mind would be bothered endlessly for a while. xD
Like..... I have a ton of background process running on my head. Like when suddenly a laptop slows down even though you don't do anything with it, and turns out that it's updating something...... Like that xD xD xD

I am too unfocused to do basically anything right now....
Can't even read long texts in one go without feeling tired and lost xD

So.. yeah, I realized that I have tons of drafts.... Beauty Contest, I Forgot You, Relinquish, and many others....... (seriously, I have 11 drafts right now)
But I can't bring myself to write more than a paragraph in one sitting atm. xD
So, I know it's been a month (or more) since the last time I updated them, but I don't think I will be able to update them again soon. I'm sorry if any of you is waiting for them m(_ _)m

I haven't replied comments too, but I've read them. I promise I'll reply them, but give me some time. (I feel guilty for not replying comments :( )

Oh! And 17 of my fics got nominated for Arashi fic awards. :'D This makes me sooooooo happy. I didn't expect this so it's a very pleasant surprise. For kind souls who nominated my fics: THANK YOU SO MUCH!

I am so excited about the list too! I want to read them all. Already read some but, woah, some of them are reeeeeeeeeeeally long. My brain can't take it for now xD xD xD Gonna read one by one starting from the short ones, I think xD xD

Sorry if this post is so.... messy. Like I said before, my brain is too unfocused right now xD xD

I spend time at Twitter more for now, that's the only thing my brain can process. 140 characters and that's it xD

Alright then, bye for now! :D :D :D

update, personal, idk why i'm writing this

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