Ok. Ok. Shocker that this entry wil be pretty much all about tv or school. Maybe a little bit about life. Doubt it though because by the time I'm done talking about tv I'll be too tired.
Ok. House. I've caught up. Well no not really, but I'm just hooked and I hate that I'm hooked. I saw the second half of S1 and then what was it like the first 2 eps of S2, and then like the 5 most recent episodes. So I'm pretty much caught up right? I think so. Let's see. Everyone that likes medical shows that has nothing to really watch now what with ER on repeats and Grey's Anatomy not on for another week, watch HOUSE. Honestly...it's too good. I do sorta dislike how Cameron's all "I'm over you House".
Ok. Prison Break. Good God. It's become more than just watching how good WM can look in simple jail clothing.
Ok holy mother of. Ok. So now the episode was good. Full of me laughing moments, like everytime Michael kept taking crazy Haywire into that closet place. And then it was just over the top funny when Haywire was like mumbling, then he turns around, and Michael's got his shirt off. Hahah oh man Scofield.
Then I just got so mad at Geary (that was his name right? I'm not going crazy am I?) just took the money and oooh it made me so mad. But then he got S.A.C.K.E.D which made me too happy. His sad face sorta made me feel bad, but then I remembered what a little bitch he was so yea.
Aiyaaa. Ok I feel like I missed something. What's up with him ratting out, or like setting up Veronica? What is up with that?
Oh and just to mention it I hate when they play poker in these shows or movies, cause I swear I never know what in the bloody hell is going on. Grr. I'll learn one day... I know that like 2 aces is good because they showed that on House.
BUT DEAR GOD THE END OF IT?! LINCOLN'S CAR CRUSHING?! Oh man oh man. And then the preview?!? I haven't been this excited about Prison Break in a while. And Michael and Sara look like they do it next week. *squeee*
Ok. I went to volunteer. During Spring Break. (Does everyone capitalize Spring Break or is it just me?) This is what I'm doing. I didn't get to go anywhere because of the shitload of work I have, not like I've done any of it because I keep watching House. (OH. And I can't watch Hous on my computer. NO. My monitor is too bloody screwed up. So I watch it on my brother's computer. And I'm insanely paranoid about him finding me on it. Very risky business. I almost got caught yesterday. He doesn't seem to be getting upset, but you never know) But yea. I volunteered at some senior center, and helped serve milk (which was lowfat but they all thought it was SKIM. Seriously everybody lies and its just mean to do it to seniors.) Also did the thing where you fold forks into napkins which I can never do. AND the elderly people got to watch KONG. When they were announcing that the "movie is gonna start at 1:00. We're showing KING KONG" you could hear me and my friend gasp cause we got so excited. It was hilarious cause a bunch of the seniors looked at us like WTF?! It wasn't that bad I guess. I don't like the man in charge though. He's mean and my friend thinks he looked us up and down. Nasty, lonely man? Or dirty, paranoid friend? Tough call.
I think I'm all talked out. I was gonna go do homework, BUT I love love love Liyan's (
bluebear_74 ) high definition House caps. So I think iconage will happen.
If anyone knows a high-def Prison Break cap site, please HOLLER. =]
Wow. That was long. I feel good. I'm supposed to go buy shoes tomorrow. I sorta want to have a House, Prison Break, and Grey's Anatomy mood theme all. at. once.
Current Mood: