david and i did a dance at the mailbox today.
shawny thinks that my calling in life is to be a nanny. although i must say its a pretty bomb job. say it with me b-a-m-b or b-a-l-m. bomb diggity.
gEppi27: SUPA BOMB
gEppi27: i just mixed my phrases
gEppi27: im not sure thats okay
SUPERsugarHYPER: haha
SUPERsugarHYPER: ok you know what i figured out
SUPERsugarHYPER: your bomb and im hella
SUPERsugarHYPER: together we are hella bomb
AAAAAAAAAAH DAVID WE NEVER ATE TEH BANANA!!!! after all that work tooo. i have to admit once we finally figured out how to microwave the chocolate it actually started looking good.
attractive, i know. thats right. turn yoru head. now you know how my life feels. (as tears roll down my face)
jennie rose's birthday. it was amazing. my f ingers bled from tying so many baloons. i made cardboard fish float though. magic.
so attractive
eskimo kisssses
another oen of my excessively attractive friends
sooo harry potter. im a little excited JUST KIDDING IM SO EXCITED. im reading teh book, i cant wait to wear my scarf and wait in that line w/ carrie at 10 for 2 hours and try to stay awake. and then see it on friday too :) harry potta 4 lyfe.
i had a good talk w/ mr. murphy today. i told him about my harry potter dream. where david asked me to go to camp w/ him and i went and i was in a cabin with eden and her friends and i wanted to be her friend but she told me she hated me and i started crying so i called sara to save me and sara ended up being david and he was like sorry and he took me home. but the camp was on a hill like in harry potter movie #3 and sara had come home that day. and i dont know where the whole plot line comes in. he thought it was funny about the harry potter part though. ooh how i love dreams. he helped me understand one of my nightmares, which is really good.
DOOONT stooop belieeviiin.
davids mom got me really bomb film that im really excited to use. and paper for printing but i havent gotten there yet but im really relaly excited. im also really excited for ben to come annnnd ghost shows. !