Feb 21, 2007 21:44
The “GO Bowling Green Transit” began in November of 1994. It was started as a small service for the residents of Bowling Green to travel if they could not provide for themselves; the shuttle was also open to the public for a small feel. The Community Action of Southern Kentucky was given a grant from the Federal Transit Association, which provided enough to establish two routes. Although there were two routes, there was only one van. This caused the routes to be every other hour. This also made it difficult to provide transportation to people that were off the the routes and despertly needed transportation.
Over time, by earning money and through grants and other donations, the transit expanded into four seperate routes. having shuttles for people to take that worked at the same business, this was like “car pooling.” Just recently, about four months ago, the “GO Bowling Green Transit” expanded into providing for the whole community of Bowling Green.