yeah so here i am eating pizza, sippin on my orange fanta. jared is still trying to convince me that we should name the band "like a pack of wolves". i think its lame, he thinks its the best thing since sliced... cheese. yeah well anyway a lot has happened since i last updated.. mainly just 2 things though. 1. Jared quit cuttopieces, and we started another band 2. i ordered 3 pizzas... they delivered them twice and we got the second 3 for free, im still exited about that, its fucking awesome!!@&*!^#!#!#!!! yeah but i think we should name the band "Megaman's demise" that would be so awesome. hahahahahahaha, i think its hilarious but.. yeah.
sooo john splaine told me his mom said a friend she works with reads our live journals.... i would just like to say that it is sad when someone over the age of 25 wastes time reading and then discussing with other adults the personal lives of children they have no affiliation to... #*&$ you ____ (insert some horrible name) soooo what was i saying...? oh yeah, anyway so after school the other day me and john splaine went back in the woods and smoked 3 really fat joints, followed by 4 bottles of crown royal, finishing it all off by shooting up heroine atleast twice before getting on our buses to head home. it was so insane. but anyway i guess i'll talk to you hoes later.
go on with yo bad self<3
<3 tyler