Oh, honey. I finished this yesterday and - I just - I've said it before twenty thousand times, but I'll say it again: I love the way you write. I love your word choices, the way you order your sentences, the way every single scene is such a small snippet but has such an overarching feel of... purpose. Every word is necessary, every emotion, every stark simile. Darling, you are such a master! There is still so much I have to learn from you. ♥
Mel, Mel, Mel. I don't think you'll ever understand how flattering it is to hear you say such nice things about my writing. Honestly, I get this bone-deep sense of pride when you tell me you've enjoyed reading. It's... crazy. It's really crazy. I think you and I have a really fulfilling sense of mutual respect. It's wonderful. ♥ One day, we should work on something together.
YES. We certainly should! I think working with you would be amazing, because the two of us seem to think along similar lines... I don't know if I can match your simple, sparse, gorgeous style, though. :( But I'd love to give it a try! I currently have a shitload on my plate, with at least five auction fics to be written, but I guess we can start planning, if you want? ♥
Oh, as if you haven't made me blush enough! It really would be interesting to sort of collaborate on something. I think it would be fun. And you're right - the two of us do seem to, well, favor angst. I have quite a bit to write, too, including Frida's epic!fic. (Damn her, why did she have to leave LJ?) But yes! I concur. :)
Haha, we could kill the angst genre together, no sweat. (We might also kill a few readers along the way, er, but that's unavoidable I guess, haha!) Do you have any particular sweeping ideas you think would be good?
Oh - and by the way, just a quick question: are you at all up for dark fic? Or would you prefer to steer away from that?
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