Mar 25, 2009 03:48
I got sucked into the Twilight universe. I have read (and re-read) the books the last two months. Two days ago, I bought the movie when it came out on DVD, and saw it for the first time. It was not as good as it could have been. The potential was there, but it had a rough-around-the-edges look to it, unpolished. The director declined to make the second movie, New Moon, saying that there was not enough time to do it by the release date sometime late '09 or early '10. From the look of the first movie, this may be the literal truth. I don't know if it was the acting, the directing or both, but it needed something more. Perhaps more background music during dialog to support the emotions, or to cover up awkward pauses. Despite the shortcomings, I still enjoyed the movie. I liked seeing the cast portray the characters. I really liked some scenes, such as the Cullen family playing baseball vampire style. Billy Burkes, who played Bella's father Police Chief Charlie Swan, was so funny in an understated way; he was such a scene stealer! Pet peeve: the way the nasal cannula tubing was arranged to come up over Bella's eyes in some close-up's during the last hospital scene (in the wider views it was down on her cheeks where it should be). Other pet peeve: Bella shaking her head so much, it looked like she had a tic. However, the scene with Bella and Edward's first kiss was HOT. : ) : ) : )