Aug 20, 2007 23:36
For those of you who have not yet seen it...Go watch the movie "Stardust" on the big screen while it is still in theaters. FABULOUS movie!!! A beautiful fairy tale with wonderful acting and cast (including Robert DeNiro, Michelle Pfiefer, Peter O'Toole and Rupert Everrett), and it is absolutely hilarious. Aileen and I came out of the movie feeling very good.
Picture Robert DeNiro as a pirate prancing around in a corset and feather boa. Priceless.
I saw a mortgage loan officer today, and am pre-approved for a loan. My main interest was to see if I could afford the house I'm interested in and still pay off my $30,000 education loan (I can). Not a lot of extra money afterward, but if I pay off the education loan in 5 years, that will be a temporary state of affairs (knock on wood).