Another long overdue update

Dec 24, 2011 09:48

Well, time to update things....

John: Not much change. He's still not really doing much. Not sure when or how this will improve. It's very frustrating. At this point, my second Squire, Joel, will overtake him on the path to Knighthood, and deservedly so. He's working like a madman for it.Not sure what I should do with him other than wait it out and hope that something lights a fire under his ass.

Joel: Like I said earlier, he's on the fast track for Knighthood. He's running the Northland Renn Faire this year at Country Junction in Lehighton. He's already run our demo at the Carbon County Faire, so his event obligations will be met. He's always trying to make stuff. He keeps recruiting for us. He just needs to get the readings and fighting down a bit more. I feel confident he will make Knighthood relatively quickly.

Andrew: I'm tempted to make him a Squire as well soon. He's showing alot of potential. Still waiting to see when the "newbie intial overdo it" wears off so I know when I give it to him it will reignite his desire to do more in Markland.

Nicky: She is a good Marklander, but doesn't have the time or cash to get a kit together for heavy just yet. We'll see what we can do for gear and we'll at least get the training started.


Lots of stuff to do over the winter, including our Mid Winter Workshop up here at my place in a couple of weeks.So this weekend and next are slated for clean up and getting the workshop functional again.

Well, after 3 years I finally got my raise at Univest. Pay freezes are sooooo not cool. Stupid economy. Had a job interview with the school district for the position of my old boss at EMC after she lost her mind and began taking too much time off and generally screwing up at her job. Made it to the final round of interviews but got sandbagged by the HR guy. The director of Grounds and the school Principal I think wanted me, but the HR guy wanted a asskissing jerk for the job (who is qualified, just will step on his own mother for an extra buck). So..... I guess I'm sticking to Univest and the part time school gig for a while longer.

Financially, I'm a little better. I've kept cutting expenses where I could, including ditching my 10X30 storage locker for a part of the barn that Sir Dolan rents for a savings of $179 a month. Plus, it's closer for getting stuff if I need it. Three more years working part time and the loan for those credit cards will be paid off. Just hope I can keep up doing the 60hr a week gig for that long.

House Black Moon keeps growing. We're almost official size now, but I think we're going to sit and wait till we hit about 13-14 before going official. We marched in the East Greenville Halloween parade this year and took first prize for our division for best costumes. My guys do me proud everytime we do stuff. It's freaking awesome.
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