Nov 22, 2006 16:28
Piece of shit, I typed out an entire update and some how I lost it so now here is the same thing to the best of my memory.
I've been busy as shit lately with work school and social life . I wish their were two more hours in the day. I can't seem to find a time where someone isn't disturbing the time I have after all work is over for the day. During this time of day I usually like to read a book or play the geetar if my night isn't consumed with homework. TV watching has almost completely taken a step out of my daily routine. Unfortunately with the lose of tv watching I no longer know what exactly is going on in the outside world I hear its not looking so good. I'm looking forward to this long Thanksgiving break for some desperately need and well diserved rest and relaxation.
I found a grey hair yesterday. I left it in my head for fear that I may loose the wisdom gained by its arrival.
I bought a mummy bag from Lee's sporting goods it cost me $120. Its pretty nice but I may bring it back for a better one.
Mi Ranchito has dollar tacos on Tuesday and saturday. My mouth is still feeling the rath of the hot sauce I smuthered those poor little tacos in.
I have not yet finished registering for classes for next semster. I've registered for only two so far. My lack of motivation in choosing a specific career path is making my decision in next semsters classes very difficult. I decided to schedule my self for a career aptitude test. Its over $100 for non-western students so hopefully this test will give me some good ideas for what I need to do with my life.
Check ya later
By the way don't be scared to subscribe to my blog on myspace because nobody has yet and it makes me sort of sad.