Sep 09, 2006 23:55
Here it is.
I'm in Muskegon for the night but it seems that everyone has gone to wheatland and I totally foregot. I wanted to go but never came across the money for it. Sorry folks.
Just curious but does anyone know what the title of my last update was from? It's a quote from a movie.
I've had a pretty crazy last couple of weeks living in K-zoo again. Last weekend some asshole was tryin' to be tough and threw a chard piece of wood through our front window and it hit Josh in the back of the head. I had little dots of blood all over my arm from shards of glass flying through the air. It got fixed a couple days ago.
Everyone in the house chipped in on guitar hero for the PS2. Best buy I've had since I bought my hammock which was thee best buy I've had. I can play Cowboys from Hell on Hard, BITCH!
I'm planning a hiking trip to Isle Royale hopefully it will happen this comeing summer. I need to a new tent, sleeping bag, a new mess kit, a fairy ticket and a seaon pass to the park. I think I might stay out there for a while, maybe up to a month. Freinds can come along but hopefully you'll get sick of it in a week, but make sure you are in good shape I don't want to have to wait for you, BTICH! I'm thinking of hiking the parameter of the Island and then see what happens from there.
I went four days without smoking a cigarette. I had a couple lastnight and a couple the night before that but I was really drunk, these days are not included inthe four. I'm trying to get in better shape for the hiking trip you should do the same and I'll see you there.
Class started last week, I'm just about out of gen ed courses so I need to figure out what I want to do with my life after this semseter or I'll end up taking courses towards something that I don't want.
I asked that shy girl out on a date, hopefully it works out, we are going to the movies.
I bought the album Z by My Morning Jacket. I highly recommend it, go and buy NOW!
I'm coming to chicago so get the fuck ready dudes. not this coming weekend and probably not the one after that but most likely the one after that.