Discharge Update

Aug 07, 2010 10:21

Ginger will be in the hospital at least till Monday.

She has a lot of gas and pressure built up in her abdomen that is making her very uncomfortable. Her doctor will be placing an NG tube down her nasal passage to help relieve the pressure.

We keep having to tell the doctors that she doesn't feel nausea like most cancer patients do. The gas in her colon feels like it is pressing against her stomach so hard that there is just no room for anything but a little juice, some bites of fruit or jello.

Yes, we can confirm that, even with Ginger's condition, there is always room for jello.

Ginger is embarrassed when eating makes the gas pressure 'escape' from one end or the other. We've told her many times that she has nothing to be embarrassed about, but of course that doesn't help the way she feels.

Lately I've just been saying "You're excused." when she apologizes for burping and immediately ignoring the subject. Just like you'd do normally if anyone had a problem with gas and excused themselves after such a minor social faux pas.
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