
Jan 19, 2005 21:12

Ok so I am taking a semester off of college... yay and I have a job now so I am making some money ... well a little atleast... so anyway Bree when are u coming to HOUMA... ohh you say thursday kewl kewl .... lol u really should come and spend thursday and friday and saturday and sunday and yadda yadda with me and danner.... we have some fun.... so anyway lets talk about none other danner and her retardedness..... SO everyone read her journal about her stove catching on fire.... but you didnt kno that she forgot to take the paper .... yea the sticker that comes on new pots off of it .... well hello of course its gonna catch on fire..... Caution - When buying a new pan always remove the sticker on the bottom..... for it may catch fire.... I bet she would ahve known that if she read the sticker...!!! I LOOVE U DANNER!!! well well well what can I say.. no serious I ran out of stuff to say....I'm ready to move to BATON ROUGE.... but then I have to pay for surgery... because u kno me and danner are jointed at the hip.... well peace out danners on her way over and we will prolly go drink in the glass patio... PEACE BITCHES.... I LOVE U BREEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! U HO-ASS-PIMP... I can't believe u asked me if I wrote that you kno better If I wanted to tell u that i would ahve called u !!! lata... "DON'T HATE ME CAUSE YOU AIN'T ME!!!" hey I wanna see who reads my journal so if u read it i don't care who u are just say hey!!! okay thanks
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