Oct 18, 2006 20:25
Here's the story of the year...
So once upon a time, Shayla and Jesse (the coolest cousins in the entire world universe) decided to go for a walk. They thought Sad's pond would be a nice place to stroll through and so they headed on there.They saw a path that led to the back of the pond where tiny critters and other mysterious things lived and decided to explore it.After about 5 minute of walking through it and enjoying the sites, the saw a red flower on the ground and screamed for dear life.Well, Jesse did so Shayla followed.Apparently, not to long before this weird wednesday night, Jesse's friend Brittany Miller (who's wicked sweet) had went to the same place as we were then and found a dead dog.Jesse, feared that the very red flower in our path, was part...of the dead dog.Well...he was wrong. After Shayla smacked him for scaring her, they laughed it off and continued there journey.
After walking for a short time afterwards Shayla hatched the brilliant idea to cut through a field and go to the new Tim Hortons(eat fresh) out of town, which we could see through the field.Jesse, being absolouty estatic about getting free tim hortons, squealed YES!!!!
So through the field we went while getting prickers stuck to our everywheres, and gross disgusting water in our shoe's. We managed to get half way before we realized what kind of a predicament we had managed to get ourselves in. We came across the greatest obstacle that we would ever have to face in our entire lives....a ditch. A rather LARGE one at that.Shayla, being the risk taker she is, courageously leaped across the ditch, got a soker, and stood in her wet shoe with pride.Jesse on the other hand, took a little convincing to take his great leap across that great ditch.After oodles and oodles of whining and convincing, he leaped across and while leaping he managed to look an aweful lot like zaboomafoo(just saying).We had another half of the field to go before we could finally make it to our destination, Tim Hortons (eat fresh), it was almost in our grasp.
After finally making our way through the mud filled field we reached the road. Success at last! We continued down the road while trying to avoid death by vehicle when suddenly, Jesse once again screamed scaring the bajeepers out of poor little Shayla.It was a frog!!! A tiny,cute, slimmy disgusting frog and Shayla had caught it.After taking a few pictures to remember that remarkable moment, they hurried on there way to Tim Hortons (eat fresh).
They reached the inside of the restaurant and after Shayla washed her hands to get the froggy grossness off of her, the sat down, and enjoyed a blueberry fritter and a peach juice.