The best quiz evar. (By Noski)
1. Name: Chris Czarny
2. Height: 5 9ish? I dunno
3. Blood Type: I'm the universal donor
4. Ethnicity: i dunno, italian, polish, something like that
5. Favorite Anime Series: tied between Cowboy Bebop and Beck
6. Favorite DragonBall(Z, GT) Charactar: Future Trunks
7. Favorite Pokemon: Gloom
8. Favorite body hair on a fictional character: Revolver Ocelot's mustache
9. Favorite Beverage used to take full advantage of Ice Cream's natural Bouyancy: I don't mix soda and ice cream
10. Cake or Yeast raised Donuts: hm, chocolate anything
11. Dead Or Alive(no weapons) vs. Soul Caliber(weapons): Soul Calibur
12. Favorite Previous-Gen Console: PS2
13. If you could be any totalitarian Dictator(Living or otherwise, Fictional if you please) who would you be: Yuri from Red Alert
14. Favorite leader of a terrorist/rebel(you get the idea) organizarion: Bin LADENZ
15. Favorite Moblie Suit(Non-Custom): RGM-79 GM Sniper (08th MS Team, episode 11)
16. Same question but customs: Heavyarms.
17. Favorite Gundam Pilot: Amuro Ray
18. What WoW Class are you(or D&D): Priest
19. Favorite X-Men Charactar: Nightcralwer
20. Favorite Movie Trilogy: Star Wars ep. IV-VI
21. Favorite Hugh Grant flick: About a Boy
22. Favorite Starcaft Race: Zerg
23. Favorite Starcraft Unit: Guardians
*****Charactar you use most in...
Street Fighter Series: Ken, Sakura
DOA: Bass
Soul Caliber: Kilik
Mario Tennis: Shy Guy
Mariokart: Luigi