9 [voice/action- filtered from Legato]

Nov 08, 2011 14:26

[The new Mrs. Milly Wolfwood is having the most fabulous day. It started when she woke up, surprised her new husband with breakfast in bed and after some after breakfast snuggling, whilst doing the washing up she happened to look out of the window and the squeal extremely happily as she notices that it. Is.


And now, after a quick dash upstairs to grab another sweater, smooch her husband again, she's gone outside in a coat to go out and run around in the snow as the flakes start to flutter around. Why didn't she get out and play in the snow yesterday?

...she's a newlywed. Why do you think. ;D

So she will be outside, playing in the snow and having a lovely time until the snow flurries stop until she rushes back inside to warm up again. And make a broadcast.]

Hello Luceti!

Have you seen? It's snowing! Isn't it pretty? I just went outside in it, it's like somebody's taken a great big sugar sprinkler and dusted powdered sugar over everything, it's so lovely.

Oh, and we've got lots of new feathers arriving now, haven't we? Welcome to Luceti! I know how it can be scary at first, finding yourself in a new place with wings and not knowing what happened, but please don't be afraid to ask people around here to help, there are lots of people here who are going to be happy to give you any help you might need.

My name's Milly Tho-

[And now she laughs a little because she remembers that that's not her name anymore.]

Sorry. My name is Milly Wolfwood, and I'm looking forward to meeting you.

i'm walking on sunshine~, eternal sunshine of the thompson mind, milly's first snow!, milly loves you all, from the pen of mrs. wolfwood, spread a little happiness, derp derp derp

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