5 [voice/action]

Jun 20, 2011 09:55

Hello Luceti! I hope everyone's feeling well and you've all been enjoying the weather lately; it was so hot last week it almost felt like being back home.

[There's a little pause- despite how lovely some parts of Luceti are, she can't help but feel a little bit... homesick sometimes.]

Oh! And that reminds me, do you know I've been here for a few months now and I still can't find a post box or a post office to send my letters? I've got very behind on sending out my Milly Monthlies and I'm sure that my parents and all my brothers and sisters will be starting to wonder where I've got to at this rate, and I've got so many things to tell them about. And... um... I was wondering if someone might be able to recommend a good lady doctor. It's just awful that I've lived here for so long and I haven't even introduced myself to a doctor, and it's very important to have a good relationship with your physician, that's what my mother always told me when I was a little girl and she always has the very best advice. I'd be very very grateful if anyone could point me in the direction of someone nice to be my doctor.

I think that's everything... oh yes, does anyone know of any good cookery books with some yummy recipes in them? My goal this month is to learn how to cook better.


[Later on in the day, Milly will be out and about, looking high and low for a post box or just enjoying the day, or especially looking for cook books. Feel free to come and bother her!]

why is there no postal service?, eternal sunshine of the thompson mind, milly monthlies, responsible adult in training

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