3 [voice]

May 08, 2011 11:22

Hello everyone! I am on a very important mission and I think that I might need some help. Because it's getting warmer and we've had a lot of rain, I think now is the very best time for me to ask this question, because I'm going to need to act very, very soon. And I was doing some reading, because my Big Big Sister says that if you're going to learn to do something you need to be well informed about the theory behind it, and so I got a book out from the library and it says that if I'm going to do it then the first thing I need to do is find something.

But I've never actually-

[Pause. How exactly do you go about asking this sort of question? OK, here goes.]

I need to know where to find my one piece.

Will someone help me find it? I hear that there's a grand line with all sorts of wonderful colours and things but I really don't know the first thing about looking because, well, we just don't have any of that sort of thing back where I come from! So if someone could help me to look that would be wonderful.

[Another pause.]

Oh, and hello new feathers! I hope everyone's feeling alright, I know it can be a bit scary finding yourself in a strange new place like this, but if you need any help or a friendly shoulder to cry on or just a good old cup of ceylon tea with some cake, then my name is Milly Thompson and I would be very happy to help in anyway that I can.

no really this isn't what it sounds like, milly thompson: king of the pirates, how many shout outs can we get in?, this is serious you guys, the wacky adventures of milly thompson, derp derp derp

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