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PostSecret: Confessions on Life, Death and God from
Frank Warren on
i don't care if it's the 'cool indie' thing to like, i think this video is absolutely beautiful and i have no shame in saying that. i think what Frank has been doing over the years is stunningly moving and this video is just small part of that movement. i wish it went on for much, much longer.
"i'm a lot better before you really know me."
speaking of beauty, i finished reading The Lovely Bones in like a day and i thought that was pretty beautiful. i cried and felt drained when i finished it. i love literature that makes me feel like that. fuck the hype, i thought it was a lovely (if a bit cliche) story.
i think lately i'm trying to focus my agitation onto beautiful things and just enjoy them.
today my boyfriend was amazing in Moulin Rouge, i have some good friends (and some bad ones), i realised i need to make some changes and i need to stop eating so much chocolate. and i have a long working weekend ahead of me.
i feel small.
i need to plan out my next tattoo. a rose / calvin & hobbes / a t.s eliot quote. i feel it's too soon to get 'these are the lovely bones' on me forever but it rings volumes with me.