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Nov 03, 2009 03:23

This idea came from the current challenge of picspammy: making a pic spam of something I never did before. So there you go: My new OTP = Olivia and Lloyd from the show FlasForward (me loves it!). I'm starting to get into them so hard, they are so interesting even tho they haven't shared many scenes, but they have such a great chemistry! I mean...her slyly face when she looks at him, and the sensual tone in which she calls him " Honey" JUST PWNS every scene she shared with that pathetic moron of her husband. I want them to hook up already and make babies!!

Colors are kinda crappy due to the bad screencaps :/

OLIVIA: I was with another man.

MARK: Who?

OLIVIA: I don't know. I've never seen him before.

[Olivia puts her face in her hands with flash-forward in the background. She is wearing lingerie, lying across the pillows on her bed, looks up, gets out of bed, walks to the top of the top of her staircase, looks down at a shirtless man sitting on the sofa with a bottle of beer in his hand. He has no shoes or socks on and is staring at the fireplace.]

OLIVIA: He was downstairs. I don't know who he was and yet my vision I had all these intense feelings for him. I…

[Olivia's vision again. Her voice echoes in the flash.]

OLIVIA: [echo] Hey, Honey.

[He is leaning his left arm on the arm of the sofa and has his eyes closed. Flash stops.]

LLOYD: Dr. Benford, I presume?


LLOYD: [extends hand] I'm Lloyd Simcoe.

[Olivia turns to see Lloyd and has quick flashes of him sitting in front of her fireplace. She stares at him.]

OLIVIA: Oh, this is awkward.

LLOYD: Well it doesn't have to be. A simple apology for avoiding my son's bedside and we can move right along.

OLIVIA: I'm sorry. You and I have never met?

LLOYD: Yeah, that's the general objection I was trying to convey.

[Olivia continues to look at Lloyd with no response. A snippet of a flash-forward is shown of Lloyd, in Olivia's bedroom and walking away. Olivia sits up as she was in the beginning of her flash-forward.]

LLOYD: [flash]Sorry I have to make a call.

[Flash ends and return to the hospital. Olivia is staring at Lloyd with her mouth agape.]

LLOYD: I, I've been camped out at my son's bedside for three days waiting to meet this mysterious surgeon…

[Olivia turns her head and looks down, shaking her head.]

LLOYD: …who apparently saved his life.

OLIVIA: I am so sorry. It's, it's just ever since the blackout, I'm completely slammed with work, so that's why.

[Lloyd looks down and Charlie's stuffed animal as Olivia finishes and cuts the suture.]

LLOYD: I can tell.

OLIVIA: I'm sure your son has a favorite toy.

LLOYD: I really don't know, honestly. Um, well, his condition makes him a little hard to read. He's autistic.

OLIVIA: Oh, where is he on the spectrum?

LLOYD: I'm not all that familiar with the terminology. Dylan's mother and I separated soon after he was diagnosed and well to make matters worse, his, his mother, [stutter] well my, my wife, she died during the blackout.

OLIVIA: I heard that. I'm so sorry.

LLOYD: Thank you.

[Olivia walks away from the table, still in the same room. Her back is to Lloyd.]

LLOYD: Actually, I still haven't worked up the courage to give Dylan the news, and, um so sorry.

[Olivia turns and Lloyd is standing face to face to her. He backs away a bit.]

LLOYD: Um, and, and I, I still have a fair number of questions regarding his condition.

OLIVIA: Sure. You are in excellent hands with Dr., um, Varley. He can really answer most of your questions.

[Olivia nods and then returns to working on the stuff animal. Lloyd is a little taken aback.]

LLOYD: Right.

[As Lloyd walks out of the room, he stops, turns to comment to Olivia then continues on his way.]

LLOYD: Oh, um, very best of luck with the procedure.

[Olivia turns and looks at him. They both smile. After Lloyd leaves, Olivia abruptly stops what she is doing and puts both hands to her face. She exhales deeply]


LLOYD: Dr. Benford. Your patient pulled through, I see.

OLIVIA: [chuckles] I'm sorry I didn't get to see your son today. I was really busy. All human patients, I swear.

[Lloyd nods.]

OLIVIA: [chuckles] I should get her home.

LLOYD: Ah, you know, I've been sitting here, thinking of a way to tell my son that his mother is dead.

OLIVIA: [pause] Well, however you tell him, just be sure to tell him you love him.

LLOYD: Is parenting really that simple?

OLIVIA: It's the only simple part. Take care, Mr. Simcoe.

[Olivia enters the living room.]

OLIVIA: Trick or Treat!

[Olivia sees Lloyd and stops immediately. The smile is no longer on her face.]

[Lloyd looks at Olivia. Marks glares at Lloyd.]


[Snippet of Lloyd's flash-forward as Olivia is at the top of the staircase.]

OLIVIA: [from flash] Hey honey.

[Back to real time. Lloyd stands up. Mark is seething.]

LLOYD: [to Olivia] You're her.

MARK: Not yet.


LLOYD: Now I understand.

MARK: What?

LLOYD: Why I made her, why I made you so…

OLIVIA: Uncomfortable?

LLOYD: Yes. Um, okay, clearly, um, this is an unusual situation.

MARK: No kidding.

OLIVIA: Mark, don't be like that.

MARK: [stands up] I can make this comfortable for everybody. You leave. You don't come back.

[Lloyd looks at Olivia. Olivia looks at Mark. Lloyd now looks at Mark.]

LLOYD: I'm very sorry if we've cause you any inconvenience. Thank you [pause] both [pause] for the kindness you've shown Dylan.

picspam, flash forward

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