Two crossover fics - Torchwood/AtS

Jul 24, 2010 19:59

Two fics I wrote for rounds_of_kink

Got to have a blond

Author: Lilithangel

Fandom: Torchwood

Characters/Pairing: Spike/John Hart

Rating/Warnings: NC17 for forced oral sex and frottage.

Kinks: Rough sex, bondage

Summary: Spike has joined the Torchwood team and when John Hart turns up to cause trouble the bomb from the canisters fails to latch on due to their shared genetic code. Spike volunteers for guard/babysitting duty while the rest of the team catch up with Jack properly.
In the same universe as Bite me

A/N: a little timey whimey wibbly wobbly stuff has John’s arrival a few months after Jack’s return and the Blowfish incident.

Staff induction training

Author: Lilithangel

Fandom: Torchwood

Characters: Spike/Owen/John Hart

Rating/Warnings: NC17 for bondage, explicit sex and dirty talk.

Kink: dirty talk

Summary: Jack is convinced to keep John around but on a short leash. He details Spike and Owen to show John the ropes since they were the ones who did the convincing.

A/N: a follow on from Got to have a blond and fits into my Bite me universe.

warning: not work safe, rating: nc-17, ship: john/spike, ship: john/owen, writing: fic

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