Jun 21, 2013 20:20
What would you consider to be an acceptable range as far as the deviation +- in FPS for your various loads (which were produced to be identical)? Is there some window which is commonly thought to be "consistent?" enough? Reason I ask is because I've struggled in some respect and have found that even when I have a small run of ammo, all produced the same with all the same components and to the same spec, I get the feeling that the deviation that I'm getting on the Chronograph is too wide and they should be closer together in velocity. I only use an electronic scale to produce charges which are either .1 or .2 under my target weight, then I move the charge over to a beam scale to trickle the last little bit in. Beam scale is frequently checked for zero and its pretty solid. I've also seen this behavior with brand new Hornady brass (sized and cleaned of course before loading) paired up with good quality points like Sierra MK or Bergers and good powders IMR, Hogdon, Alliant.
What velocity window do you like to see a given batch of reloads stay in?
Thank You.