Dec 17, 2010 14:39
My love life is finally good. Not just a temporary happy thing, but genuinely good. High quality. I have no worries of my girlfriend cheating on me. She doesn't yell at me for no reason. She doesn't flip out and blame it on crazy. She isn't jealous. She trust me. Night before last she was cooking and cleaning at the same time and wouldn't let me help. My family absolutely adores her. None of them have to bite their tongue in wishing I did better, because there is no better. She loves taking care of me. She's smart, she's creative, she plays D&D with me, and she likes ALL of my friends. I couldn't possibly ask for anything more.
School is going so incredibly well. I'll be done with it all in no time. I really look forward to being a teacher.
I'm a pro-wrestler. I grew up watching WWF and wanted to be one of them one day. Now I am. How fucking cool is that? Not only am I part of the business now, but I am arguably the biggest draw. People are paying money to see me. Feels good, man.
I've finally found that circle of friends that works. They all get along. None of them are loser druggies, none of them are manipulative socialites, none of them try to drag me down. It is so great to finally have a solid base outside of a romantic relationship.
My writing has really been blossoming. My professor has really been pushing me to get published. It feels so good to let that stuff flow, again.
We'll be moving into our own place soon, so I'll have more room and time to get into shape. I can't wait for that last little piece of my life to fall into place. Being an "adult" is -so- much better than being a "kid."
I love you all and miss a lot of you very dearly. Thank you so much for sticking around until I got to this point. It means the world to me.