suncrush and
ladyzahra both had what I thought was a cool meme about books. I wanted to participate, but since I don't read for pleasure (well, very rarely anyway), I have decided to change it to movies! Basically I changed every occurrence of the word "book" to "movie", and so for certain questions you'll have to suspend disbelief. On the desert island, for instance, you will have to infer that you also have some means of watching the damn movie. So here is my stolen and modified meme:
1. One movie that changed your life: "Glory" By far my favorite movie of all time. It made me a huge Civil War buff, and almost had me major in history. To this day I consider going for my Masters in History instead of my MBA so I can teach Civil War related classes.
2. One movie that you have watched more than once: There have been many, far too many to name. On of my favorites as of late has been the "Band of Brothers" miniseries (not technically a movie).
3. One movie you'd want on a desert island: "Anchorman", as I sure as hell would need something to make me laugh.
4. One movie that made you laugh: Once again, many, but pretty much anything involving fecal matter of farts is good for me.
5. One movie that made you cry: I don't cry. This has been the subject of previous posts. I can't even think of a movie that had me close.
6. One movie you wish would have been made: To my knowledge there is no significant movie telling the story of WWII from the German side. For the brief amount of time we were able to converse with Erica's Grandmother (she lived through it as a young woman), I always found it fascinating.
7. One movie you wish had never been made: "The Cell", which has the honor of being the only movie I have ever walked out on. It is by far the crappiest movie ever made, and solidified my view that Jennifer Lopez is worthless in all things not involving her ass dimensions.
8. The movie you most recently watched: Hmmm...I've been watching a lot of miniseries lately, so I'm not sure what the last actual movie I watched was. I think it may have been "Shop Girl", which was decent. The most memorable recent movie would have to be "Everything is Illuminated".
9. One movie you have been meaning to watch: I don;t even know where to start. Having children is a blessing, but certainly takes away free time that used to be occupied by going out and doing things, such as going to the movies. So, "X-Men 3" would be up there for me, as well as the new "Pirates of the Caribbean".