[kingdom hearts] fair trade

Dec 12, 2006 22:29

Ambiguous referencing of SoraKairi's Others, not really warning-worthy though. I feel bad letting such a good prompt (reflections) go to waste. >.< It kind of got rushed for fear of missing deadlines (I won't be off work until it's over, I'm sure), and while it maintained the basics of the original idea, it didn't go nearly where I wanted to.

Fair Trade
(but if you listen
you'll learn to hear the difference
between the halfs and the half-nots)

Since they've come home, Kairi doesn't leave home without a sketchbook. She's become something of a star in school, and on more than one occasion, students and teachers alike marvel at how detailed they are, how she almost seems to bring her pictures to life.

Of course, Sora is her favorite subject. And he is a gracious model -- he has no problem sitting for hours, telling her stories of his end of the adventure while she draws happily, skinny fingers instinctively reaching for the perfect shade here, the complimenting shadow there. She puts a piece of herself in each picture. She draws like she's addicted. Some days it's just a ten-minute sketch, and sometimes he has to remind her to try to hurry because mom had dinner ready two hours ago.

Sora doesn't mind, though. Not even when, more often than not, the finished image is blond and quietly feral.

It's a trade-off.


Since they've come home, Kairi has definitely learned to appreciate the way Sora can be so inconspicuous that most people don't even notice him. Even though they're closing out their final year of school, Sora has reverted to his youthful habits of passing notes in class, which both amuses her and worries her, just a little. After all, how would they explain to the instructor that most of those sweetly awkward little notes aren't really from Sora, and aren't really meant for Kairi at all?

She accepts them all gracefully, though. And someone in her heart leaps each time she gets one folded just so. The handwriting is scrawling and sometimes a little difficult to understand, but the message definitely is not -- they are words from the heart, from a heart just starting to figure out what exactly that means.

It's sweet, she thinks. It's a trade-off.

words: 307

character: kairi, character: sora, type: flash fiction, challenge: prompt, character: namine, character: roxas

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