Aug 27, 2004 16:50
Today is already sweet, but about to get even better. We had an Inversion jam session today and finished a 3rd song. We have enough to satisfactorily fill the set time, but we're shooting to write one last acoustic song before the show, or an intro or something at least. But anyway, went to Butcher Boy and got my schedule. Working a ton this week:
Sun: 10-2
Wed: 9-3
Thu: 8:30-3
Fri: 3-7
Sat: 8:30-2
Sun: 11-6
Now that you know my schedule, if anyone wants to make plans, let me know (978-944-0705). Tonight I'm going to Guns Up!, Shoot to Kill, Hammer Bros. and Signs of Hope. Good kids are coming too, hope it's fun. Later.
P.S. new screenname = mikemoshxx, add it