Another year older...

Oct 02, 2013 06:39

You know how they say another year older, another year wiser? Yeah, well, let's think for a moment about what I have learned (or not learned) this year. You know, to show how much wiser I now am, having turned 37 and all.

1) Okay, I've learned that going to a theme park the next state over is much, much cheaper than going to one that is a 12 hour drive away. Then again, for some, there's no replacement for mice, is there?

Goin' Country vs The Mouse

2) I've learned that new friends are extremely difficult to make in small towns, but as always, I hold my old friends dear.

3) Regardless of years of teasing me about my favorite band, my sister and niece are great concertmates:

4) My five boyfriends smell great after putting on a show:

5) The ocean may be a large, unknown place, but sometimes you've just got to get in, regardless of what it does to your hair:

No, I'm not all that wiser, but I am enjoying the ride...
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