Well, I guess you'll just have to go wake him up, now won't you?

May 25, 2010 04:27

So I've been running pretty raggèd, what with the moving, particularly last week. Wednesday, all my books made it in a single trip of 18 boxes. That was not my idea of a good time, believe you me. The kitchen stuff came next, and then my clothes and DVDs and then my futon mattress. There's still a lot of stuff, but most of it I'm packing, but waiting to move it on Thursday when I get help moving it. The bed and mattress will by far be the most annoying of these things.

I should load up the car and drive over there with a little bit of stuff each day until Thursday, but I was bad today. I went roller skating and hung out with Farrah instead. I think I've done pretty damn well with regard to avoiding the friend zone, but some independent research/verification would be super useful to me. I don't think I'm going to crash and burn, but I may go down swinging. For me, that's actually an improvement over my normal striking out looking. Note to self: get verification on appropriate levels of boldness/aggressiveness. I think my allowable levels of boldness may be somewhat muted due to the fact that I actually know and have interacted with her on-the-way-out boyfriend. And yes, I'm pretty confident he's legitimately on the way out and this isn't merely wishful thinking.

In news that's far more interesting to others, I've put in for another water plant operator position. This one isn't in Dallas, however. It's at McMurdo Station in Antarctica. While I'm doing what I can to not get my hopes up, the idea of working in Antarctica is just so freaking cool that I can't help but get a little bit excited. I'm right in the sweet spot with regard to required experience and I think that being isolated for months at a time on a submarine would be a significant advantage to my being hired, given the location. It's only a temporary position, either for 6 months or for a full year, so I would be coming back to the States eventually. But hey, if I like it, it might be something I'd try to do on a regular basis.

Finally, check out this game if you think you can resist the cute: http://armorgames.com/play/5379/sushi-cat

relationships, work, dallas

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