I have a question about the Strike Rouge under the lj-cut
But first, in Gundam SEED, does anyone know which episodes play the insert song, "Meteor," by T.M. Revolution?
And my question involving the Strike Rouge has to do with Gundam SEED Destiny Phase 39, so that's why I'm putting it under the lj-cut.
In Phase 39, I noticed Kira asking Cagalli if he could borrow Strike Rouge ... so how come in the previous episodes when Cagalli pilots the Strike Rouge, it's all pink and carries the Orb Rose symbol, but when Kira borrowed Strike Rouge + boosters, it looked exactly like the old Strike Kira used to borrow, except Strike Rouge still had the pink shield. Why did it switch colors? I mean, I guess I understand that it'd seem funny if Kira showed up in a pink mobile suit, but I don't get the sudden paint job.