Apr 22, 2007 23:47
Here's the Facebook message I sent out on Thursday morning that I mentioned in my previous post. it explains everything within itself.
Disclaimer: let's keep the content of this message on a student-to-student basis for right now.
Hey Kids,
This morning we were in the design suite looking at the new color laser printer and Kim brought up how she was thinking about designing the room into a space that we could use. I believe it's always been a thought in the back of our minds(or, you know, not). That whole Kennilworth GD space that's being talked about is too far in the future for our class, so the design suite is a viable alternative. When we're so close to the end of the semester, and summer is looming large, it's easy to get pie in the sky with our aspirations. However, I think this past weekend in Chicago taught us that it's possible to get shit done in a short amount of time. As a summer project we could confab and get some paint and used furniture and pimp out the suite. Maybe make a hole in the ceiling so that the room actually gets ventilation...that kinda thing. That's all well and good, but here's the real meat and potatoes:
GD 3 is coming. Joan might be resigning because she didn't get tenure (among other reasons) and that gives us a rare opportunity to take control of our destinies. Critique didn't happen this morning. Instead we demoed some stuff off the color printer and then Kim went back in the classroom. Sitting around printing samples, sitting in those funky-awesome blue chairs, and reading design periodicals is apparently conducive to revolutionary thought.
Instead of doing that whole package design thing - ew - we could be doing so much more. And wouldn't it be amazing to NOT spend a whole semester on one project? I think there's a reason that people are wowed by our portfolio, what with the Type 2 book and all. And I'm sure our Fuse projects will make lovely pieces as well. We've made effing BOOKS guys. And products. For stores. It's no small wonder that we have the best GD program in the state. The next step is to be self-sufficient.
Kristen tossed out the idea of making GD 3 into an independent study. Sierra, Kahara, Brandon, Christie, Erich, and I were all like 'omg let's do it' and discussed it for a while. If we can come to a group consensus (of some sort) and draw up a proposal before the end of this semester then we might be able to make some magic. If we can get Kim on our side then I'm pretty sure we can get this done. If Joan leaves we can find an advisor to act as a puppet figure to the powers that be and do things at our own pace.
The first thing that would happen: LOTS of projects. Maybe two weeks per project? Or something. We brainstormed a few things. In Chicago we had a broad project description, but we're the ones that made things specific and task-orientated. We took care of bizness. If we can set up broad project objectives and then work our tails off we can make some good stuff. Sometimes we need Kim to taskmaster over us so that we get stuff done on time, but if we're doing things we like then it's more like doing design work in our free time. We'll motivate ourselves. Hopefully.
I think we would all benefit from a fun space of our own and some creative freedom. Access to the building and room could be worked out. We could establish our own class schedule. If we get that magnet board we could put our rough drafts up on the board, leave 'em there, and people could comment as they come and go.
Some project ideas we had:
Make a book cover or imagery for a collection of stories made by the English department.
Read a book or listen to a song/CD without seeing the artwork and produce a cover.
Make a poster for a local social awareness cause and submit it to them.
Make a conjoint product or book like in our previous classes, but, you know... quicker.
Redesign a current identity system.
Make a website.
Make a coffee table book.
Cool stuff.
And things.
Work with painting, illustration, fabrics, and photography integration.
Make sure to change your style frequently so as to avoid a rut (we can keep our finished projects around the room. lol).
We can depend moreso on our own design opinions. There could be the danger of falling into a rut or being lazy, but that's why projects would be ever-changing. To keep things interesting. And I guess there would be grading and stuff after all. Or we could do competitions? Fabulous prizes? Real world usage of designed materials? We can figure it out. But first we need to make it happen.
So if anyone has any feedback then either e-mail each other or post on the wall of this group, or better yet let's just talk about it in person.
gd 2,