The Long Way Just Got Shorter

Apr 12, 2007 15:50

Such a flurry of activities over the past two weeks. Last week was a whole big thing where Kim wasn't grooving on the content of my Graphic Design 2 planner project. Like, she didn't want me to use a traditional days and weeks approach to the whole thing. She gave me some hell last tuesday in class, but it wasn't like the week before that (which I wrote about) where she yelled at me in front of everyone. This time it was one on one. Although, people could still hear if they were listening... 
I was in hot pursuit of a new way of doing things. That Tuesday night I went to the library to work on it slash write my response paper for film class. I was asking pretty much anyone I could find for advice because when I'm desperate I tentacle-grab at anyone I come across. I thought of Cody because he had just put a Facebook album that day, and I think he has a  lot of good creative juices, so I called him. He came and we talked about the project and assorted things. He had a big hole in his pants, which I took a picture of. I chastised him for picking up smoking. He told me humourous dorm stories.

The following day I did more research on time management (I even read about the fourth dimension for a while, which I now finally get. a little). All roads led me to planners and stuff, so I did more research on psychology and thinking. I decided to do a mix of linear-thinking days and weeks stuff, and then a non-linear format mind-mapping in the negative space kind of layout. I made a crude example.

Last Thursday morning in class I was nervous like woah and got dangerously close to vomiting. It was a mix of little food and torturous thoughts. When we got around to mine she said that she liked the idea and was glad that she pushed me. I was VERY relieved. I walked over to Kahara  and humped her shoulder. It's how we roll.
That afternoon I was a dervish of glee in web 2. I decided that my next webpage would be about the end of the world, which got narrowed to Christian armageddon, then just the four cardinal (direction) angels of heaven in hell. I spent a good four to five hours that day on wikipedia reading up and getting psyched. Today in Web I did more research and started my character design sketches. I've finalized Gabriel and Uriel. Michael and Raphael remain, and then that's it I think. Cuz... there's no time to do the four cardinal angels of hell. It's all very interesting though cuz it's this mix of Christian Mythology, Islam, Apocryphal books, and other goodies.

Saturday I called my mom because I haven't had KFC since long before I moved out, and wanted it all. She bought some for me and then  picked me up from work. Ate at her house. Spent some time with the babies. I had my sister drive me home cuz she's going through breakup thing where Roy is moving out and taking Micheal and Austin with him so that he can raise them and be more involved. And be a "better father." Meanwhile he's leaving Trevor and the twins with my sister, who lives with my mom. And it's this ordeal. So I wanted to discuss it with her. Also, my dad got me two new pairs of shoes, and they are fun. My first pair of brown shoes and my first pair of mostly white shoes. I felt ghetto. :)

Sunday I dedicated to homework. First I watched TMNT, and then set to work. Did some ART 309 research cuz Kahara was basically doing the majority of the project for me and our partner. Well, she did the powerpoint, which IS the project when you're doing a monument proposal.
Spent like two and a half hours deciding what movie to do my film research paper on. I was considering some cool exotic stuff, but decided to do Rebel Without a Cause cuz I've always wanted to see it and almost bought a book about it last summer for fun because it's behind the scenes Hollywood gay, which is obviously the best. To resolve the issue, the movie has been playing all this week on AMC. I was gladsome. I two-day ordered the book on Wednesday so I could get it ASAP for researchings. Watched the movie Tuesday night and Wednesday morning on the DVR. It's also on my laptop now for maximum researchyness at any moment.
Kim told me to look into comic books for rhythmic ideas on my planner, I just laughed cuz, yeah, obviously. I read some Ultimates and Shojo Beat and used that for my inspiration. After a long day of homework I did some TVing.

Monday was a rush to get shit together. I made a couple layouts, picked two, got some feedback from Heidi and Katie in transit, and then some more from Dan who was at the Table by some miraculous act of serendipity. I used him to get me into the architecture print lab where I was able to get some free prints of my layout on double sided color laser-jet 11x17. My weapon of choice. Those lucky bastards.

I still need to do a lot of work on my layout and packaging. Time is getting short. But I do have strongish ideas of where to go. It's all about getting there now. Printing could be a big bad issue, but we'll see. I might be able to con Dan into letting me use his account and do it through architecture. Kim is telling me that she has yet to hear of a student asking a local business for help and getting turned down, but I have no connections to anyone around here. None that are workable this time around. Curse my paper for needing to be bigger than everyone else's.

GD class in Chicago this weekend. Working with an architecture firm for proposed wayfinding signage for the 2016 Olympics. It's a time eater but it will be good. Borrowed Casey's camera because we have the same one, except her screen works. And she has a 1 Gig memory card. Tee hee hee...


Dear Electricity,

Stop going out every other day.

Fuck you,

dan, cody, heidi, kahara, dad, mom, apartment, comics, film history, gd 2, katie, tv whore, web design 2, alex, casey, austin, trevor, movies, micheal, cole, maggie, roy, religion

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