Watching Animals From the Tall Grass

Sep 25, 2006 19:32

Last Tuesday, September 19th:

Type went well on Tuesday morning. At least I think so. Everyone had their final variations up and ready for picking over. I had my camera out and was taking random pictures. Julie and Dana took my camera and took a picture even when I was away from my seat. I didn't discover that till after loading them though. lol. Kim had us split up into six small groups. Each one centered around one of the six people who's work we had yet to discuss in class so they could get official feedback. There is a new girl who transfered in from San Diego who had actually been asking me questions in Web Design (cuz we have both together) and I thought maybe I should be in the group discussing her work. The whole class was standing in front of it when Kim gave the announcement to split into groups and everyone walked away, which pretty much cinched the fact that I would have to stay and talk to her cuz otherwise no one else would be doing so. Luckily Kim chose to remain as well so we had a threeway conversation about her work.
After that I went over to Michael, Erich, Julie, and Dana's group to talk about Dana's. She implemented the advice I gave her last class and it really worked so hooray for that. Mine was up next. I had like 15 variations up on the wall and we just took down the ones we didn't like. Kim floated by and gave the final word so I was all set. It was nice to get a good solid idea for the project to be working on for the past two weeks since the first week's ideas failed hard. Then I noticed that my piece of paper looked like a pug wearing a cap, so I drew it on there.
I have this thing where in critique I'll say that stuff looks like other stuff. Julie's word Conquer looked like a shark for instance. And last year her vice looked like a cow. It's not me, it just happenss. My crit groups are always like oh god why when I say stuff like that cuz it doesn't accomplish anything, but I think its neat to point out. Then they tease me about it and I join in as well. Julie's had a shark from two viewpoints and there was nothing they could do about it. But joking about stuff like that with Michael, Julie, Dana, (and Erik, but just not this time) is definately one of my favourite things.

The week before Kim said that we could use either foam core or matte board for mounting, but then this day she was like no just foam core. This rendered useless my trip to Utrecht the week before with Peter. So of course first thing when I saw Peter I asked if he had his car on him. He went to class. In the interim I was like fuck it I can just bus there, but I did want him to tag along as company. So he did. Walking home with those boards is always kind of annoying. It wasn't too windy, but you have to watch it around everything ever so that no dents get put in it.
I was ready to eat the whole wrold so we turned dumpinig off the board at my house into a lunch pit stop. I went into Dan's room to get a hammer and nails so I could put another hole in my belt because I couldn't keep my pants up for the life of me. I found his nails/screw, but no hammer. Whatever day I did dishes I left a note on the dry erase board being like why the fuck are there only two forks? While in Dan's room I found a monolithic stack of dishes, plastic containers, and silverware. I was uproarious and flabbergasted and handing them over to Peter as I dug deeper.
I settled on using a deodorant container as a hammer because it was empty and not... harmable... That didn't work. I tried the walking stick we have as well. Peter found a screwdriver, and that didn't fair better than the nail. Though it was thicker. A pliers was eventually thrown into the mix. Then Peter pointed out the multipurpose tool on top of the TV that actually had a leather punch in it. Shit, bitch. So that was done. In the mean time I had him checking on the status of the noodles. Macaroni and cheese was eaten consumed demolished. On the way back we discussed the downfall of the Beatles. For some reason.

More Table time. Jeremy and I talked about Project Runway and looked at pictures online simultaneously on our laptops. Reading at the same pace and commenting. It was good.
I had automator running so I didn't want to shut off my laptop and go to Art History. Luckily Casey was afoot and I left it with her. Not that that was a problem for her of course.
Once again I was still around when Adam came to school so I gave him the notebook for Bryn. I was looking through my drawings in the binder for that class on Monday night as well. I actually saw lots of stuff that I liked. Which means that aside from some finessing my drawing style hasn't had any major additions or improvements in two years. Which is kind of sad.
Brian came around so Mary got to meet him and she was glad. After due amounts of sexual innuendo that Brian was more receptive of, Adam went to class. We decided I would join them for Pizza Shuttle later.
I settled in to watching Pyscho on my laptop. Seeing how it was late in Terrace time I played it out loud and not in my ear buds. I didn't want to JUST watch it so I was on IMDB researching it as well. And I may or may not have drifted onto the Planet of the Apes sites.
Casey scared the fuck out of me. I was reading and she snuck up on me and scared me. GAaaaaaHHH. She watched for a while and informed Jeremy that he was dead to her. Awww, those two are so cute.

Adam came to me and after I was done being Psychotic we went to the thirty bus stop where I cursed myself for not getting a hoodie when I was at home. Nate called and left a voicemail saying there was some sort of crisis and to call him bitch. I did so from Adam's phone and he was like oh there is no crisis. It's just one of things where he calls me to be like blah blah blah oh you forgot that you ordered whine with your cheese? Which is actutally like 80% of his phone calls to me. Love him.
It had been a couple weeks since my last taste of Pizza Shuttle so naturally I was all about it. That and I only had to/could contribute 3 dollars. Mmm... leeching. We had roundtable discussion of how I knew Brian vaguely and I guess he hasn't been much filled in on the Story of Us because they were too busy making out all weekend. Though it is likey for the best cuz there is no need to bog him down with all that information right now, or possibly ever. lol.
I'm sure something happened when I got home, though it was like 11:30. I typed my homeworked, talked to Ben, whatever.

michael, dan, erich, peter, mary, adam, intro to film, erik, tv whore, brian, casey, music, ben, nate, movies, bryn, type 2, jeremy, julie, art history, dana, pizza shuttle

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