Apr 09, 2006 09:45
(Hm, I started writing this yesterday (saturday) morning. And didn't finish till now. oh well.)
On lunch at work last night I was thinking to myself how unextraordinary things were. Luckily, things hardly ever work out that way.
When I first got to work, actually, I was looking at the schedule and there were three new names on it. Dwight, a donation attendent. Judith, who I presumed to be in softlines because the name she goes by is old fashioned and she must be a granny softliner like Joan. And Haasenebasenblahblahblah. Whoever. Rasmin was like, oh yeah that's my aunt and she's in softlines. So now we will have four of the Patel family working there (him, auntie, Anjana, and Manjulaben. lol).
So, oh yeah, Rasmin was there. He hasn't worked a weekday (outside of getting called in on rare occassion) since summer so that was a nice change of pace.
Josh was getting an empty rack to bring back out in the store and as he walked past me cleaning up in the back he asked if I knew James Blunt.
I said yeah.
"You know what I learned about him?"
"Elton John discovered him."
"Yeah, aren't they on tour?"
"Yeah; he like sang at Elton John's nuptials or wedding or something."
Then Josh told me that he loved Elton John, LOVED. "Because he plays piano."
"Oh, so you like the singer songwriter types?"
"That's funny. Just another on the list of evidence: wears tight pants and tight shirts. Is well groomed..."
"My pants are not tight."
"Oh come on now."
Alex walks into back and by us to take something back to softlines and adds:
"When I first started working here, for the first couple weeks, I thought Josh was gay."
"When I first started working here I thought it was questionable. Sorry, Josh, it's just a thing."
"But what a good steretype to have right? All gay guys are well groomed and smart."
"Trust me, all gay guys are NOT smart..."
"Yeah, but that's the stereotype."
"One of them I guess yeah."
Then the conversation turned into commentary on stereotypes for black, white, brown, and homo. Then I asked them if they thought I talked confusingly because I told them about the whole Joan thing on Tuesday. They said if anything I talk too smart for the average person to get what I'm saying. I asked Josh if he noticed how superficial a lot of the stuff I say is. He said yeah, but he knew I was still smart. And communication could be mean because I need to learn how to take it down a notch ("big words" and needless pop culture references).
Stef called the back room and we all realized that we had been talking for a few minutes already so we scurried back to what we were doing. Alex got called to the office. He emerged. Went to the break room. Went to office again. Josh and I asked him what the deal was. Alex: "She just wanted me to go get her soda." Josh: "Oh, so never mind that we were talking, she just wants her soda." Adrian: "I love her."
On break I asked Jenny if she knew any of the bands I had been listening to lately. Josh walked in, and was familiar with Panic! at the Disco. He asked if I could loan him my CD on Sunday.
As I was locking the donations door for the night Alex pulled a ski pole from metal salvage and en gaurded me so I pulled out the other and we did a mini duel. For like two seconds. I didn't want Stef to walk in on it or anything. He commented that his hits seemed more powerful. I said I'd test. I grabbed him, and got him in a lock with his arms behind his back and he broke free rather easily. I haven't had issues keeping anyone held in since Greg so Alex is pretty strong for a short fat kid.
As we were closing there was a series of hilarious comments. I started by asking Stef if she liked the new shelves where they are all shiny metal and see through. She said that she likes them because you can see all the way through them, and doesn't like them, because you can see all the way through them. I agreed. It's a big cluster. Or clusterfuck as Josh added.
Josh always makes fun of Jenny by saying she is a slut or a whore or etc, but its cute cuz they've known each other their whole lives. She yelled something from the register and he was like "what was that Jenny? I don't understand whore." And another really amazing thing that he said I can't remember right now.
He also said to Alex "yeah, when Alex first met me he thought I was gay. And when I first met him I thought he was fat. Well it turns out only one of us was right and guess which one." I responded with "have sex with me." and told him that it came from my friend Allie. :).
He was walking up the center isle as I was sweeping something in his direction and he was taking his shirt off (allergies in the softlines get to him and today he was wearing an undershirt so he took his softline particle coated work shirt off) and I was looking right at him. I made an exaggerated eyebrow and he just laughed and said that that was a great expression.
I was saying something punny at every chance I got because I was all excited that something funny was finally happening. Rasmin was like "will you stop making gay comments!?" So my work there was done.
gd i,