Feb 24, 2006 22:34
My nephew Trevor was being really adorable just ten minutes ago.
My sister Maggie picked me up from work and dropped me off here where mom was babysitting Trevor and the twins. He was watching Scooby Doo on Monster Isle. And said hi to me as I passed the doorway. So I walked into my mom's bedroom where he was stationed and watched with him for like a minute. He says he likes it cuz it has Scooby Doo. "And the zombies." Nice inflection on that one.
I almost wanted to say and watch with him just to see what else he'd say. He's really getting to that point where he's out of baby talk and into high pitched kid talk. A few minutes later I was having some of the smoothie stuff mom made. He said I should have some because it's tastey. But has seeds. And I agreed with him that the seeds were a problem. Again: Cuteness.
The bus was either a few minutes early, fifteen minutes late, or there were two or something. Whatever the case, I ended up having to walk to work. But I was all business and quick so I got there in about 25 minutes. Normally it takes over a half hour. But it made me limber and ready to jump right into the super-packed car in line just as I punched in. Ready to take on the work day (night).
The asisstant manager Eric was fired. He was one of my favorite people there. He was good for talking to in a jokey way. Though it was no secret that he was kinda lazy. Or at least that is what everyone thinks and says. I told him one time that that was one of the first things I learned after getting hired. lol. I don't know for sure, cuz you can't see what bosses do in the office.
He also got mentioned in here rather often, if not just indirectly. So I'm gonna miss him. Mindy got back from pregnancy leave thist past Sunday, the two of them closed on Sunday, and on Monday Eric got canned. My theory is that it was in the works for a bit and they just waited until they knew they'd have Mindy to take over his shifts.
All other aspects of work were business as usual. Though Chris took Kip's shift so I worked with Chris. Really, why do they always schedule Kip and I together? We aren't exactly the dynamic duo. Chris doesn't really commuincate with me in complete sentences, and he never starts anything. At least Kip starts dialogue with me, even if it is generally to whine or say something irrelevant. lol.
I obtained free candy from Alex. And informed him that he looked rather Hispanic tonight. We decided it was because of his hair. True though.
I disposed of many many old glasses and dishes that made a thunderous crash of doom. I covered my ears but it still hurt a bit.
The Word of the Lord.