Last week Thursday was a week ago. Shockingly I know. But it seems like so much longer ago than that. I have four days to LJ but it shouldn't be too hard to get back on track. Last week is the most pressing to finish. Good day. Three easy to pick out people and parts. I think I feel LJ cuts coming on.
Last Thursday (1/19/06)
Peter & Downtown Books -->
I largely woke up to Peter calling asking if I wanted to get books and hang out. I said yes and quickly showered and threw myself together. We went to UWM to scope the scene at all the assorted book buying options. On the way it was determined that if I were young and gay in the 60s, I would be a fan of Nancy Sinatra and her offbeat folk pop musical charms. On campus it was determined that architecture was the equivalent of putting fat from your ass into your lips to make them freaky lush and pouty. (mining minerals from afar to make unatural topographic features. Fits. Like a glove).
Casey, Jeremy, Chris, and Jeremy's man Dan (met for first time) were actually in the Terrace so that was terribly amusing for a while before we got going. We decided to eat somewhere downtownerer before hitting up Downtown Books. We at at Quiznos because a little cafe that has long caught Peter's fancy closed at 2pm. Guess they dont' get much fancy then. We ended up at Quizno's, which resulted in texting Allie alerting her of such because she lurves them.
Downtown books was in full force glory and labyrinthing. I took about a 100 pictures. Sadly many of the more terrifying features were boarded or tarped up, but I still got a few pictures of into the depths. Peter couldn't figure out what the building was... it is a unique place. We should all make a day of going there and sitting around reading. They did add a couch upstairs by the rotting staircase and ceiling afterall.
Mail trucks and closed streets made getting home a bit more of an extended chore, but all in good time. He dropped me off with a few minutes to spare before Tom's ETA.
Tom, Homosexuality & Artgasm -->
Actually, as I got out of the car Tom pulled up so I went to him, got my list of comics, and we left. He commented on the prostitutish manner of my retrieval. Which was exactly what I was thinking. But which pimp to choose? Pimpin' Peter Daddy and his crazy coot cool Buick Bomber or Teeny T&A Tom and his swanky hybrid car and crystal-clear snow?
We went to Lost World where I called F-5 to set stuff aside and see what they didn't have so I could get it at Lost World. We spanned the whole store and then went to some Asian restaurant by his house. Adam and I exchanged texts and a call briefly, then Tom and I got down to business on playing catch-up with our semesters at large. I became 8 years old as always and mixed my remaining lo mein sauce with soy and sweet and sour alternately to get multi-coloured mixes. Is it still an inner child if it's outer?
In the process I finally, finally came out to him. I just brought up how work was going and the mild, mysterious harassings therein. Brought up it's source casually. Later, over fortune cookie, I asked him (though obviously I was aware) if that was the first time I ever brought it up. He said yeah. Awkward? "Only a little."
And it certainly seemed so because normally he would, like, end our time around this hour, but we went back to his house after. I told him that I felt like I never gave him 100% of myself when we hung out because I tone down swearing and similar things cuz I know he doesn't mesh with them. And in the process I wasn't totally myself. He agreed and... I'm not sure. He didn't seem bothered so I didn't think it necessary to stir up any trouble with him. But if he ever gets awkward with me again like he used to in the future he'll get an earfull and the boot.
Back at his house I re met his brother and realized how similar they looked. Like Tom only not as book-smart and talking like a surfer. And A Type to Tom's B Type. In his room we discussed comics (weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. I love having someone to gush to about it so much!) and he gave me my first official intro to Johnny the Homicidal Maniac. Which was good.
Down in the basement he gave me the in-depth on his semester in Painting class and I took pictures of them. He seemed to really be loving the attention or just giving the presentation. One of the two. He seems to have lots of spare time on the weekends with not working to get some good progress in. I lack that. Sorely. He really wants to make in indie comic some day. Maybe I could help he offered. Only in my dreams.
Back at my house I showed him some GD stuff on my computer and the haiku pamphlet thing in person. My stuff is so less "artist's touch", thus, less impressive I think. But I put a lot of work in mine also regardless.
Nate arrived and used my computer to check PAWS for classes and stuff while Tom and I finished up laptopping/talking on my floor.
We all exited as one and I got into my third car for the day. Trying not to catch my fishnets and six inch heels as I plopped in.
Nate, The Noise, Jerry & The Conversation -->
Nate was in La Crosse earlier in the week, and busy with work and his other circle and me mine before that so we hadn't seen each other in 8 days (since Walmart post making the emo shirts with Bryn and Allie). Obviously we got right down to Pegasusing.
We were there from like 10:30ish till 3amish. When we were leaving his car made some very big noises. Like a broad faced metal hammer banging on the bottom middle of the car (A week later it was discovered to be the breaks not working and other assorte little things). We pulled into SA by Highway 100 and Greenfield to check the undercarriage for, like, evil metal raccoons, but nothing. More searching. More nothing.
In lieu of additional Nancy Drew we gave up and went inside to get tempted by donuts. Sam, our favorite night shift, Rockstar white belt wearing gay gas station worker was of course on shift. And unable to remember our names. I see all our years together are nothing to him. Scoff. And of course he knew nothing about cars that was helpful.
Nate decided we should go to his dad's house (he lives in Nate and Fay's house in Wauwatosa in case you didn't know or it matters) to get Nate's old car (silver mercury sable) which was supposedly not as deadly as initially diagnosed.
Nate went inside to get the keys becasue Jerry was still awake (light was on). It was nearing 10 minutes so I turned the car off and went inside to see what was up.
Jerry had a tooth pulled earlier that day so was on pain killer. And really, really, really drunk for that matter. He was just kind of loopy. And said things he would have otherwise not said because of embarassment. Basically he told Nate and I that he wished we would give up our gay lifestyle. Because it would lead to disatisfaction and meeting the wrong people and getting killed at 25. Um, ok.
I don't think he understands that we don't live the typical gay lifestyle. And even so, it was more dangerous back in day but not as much now. A signifigant reduction in anonymous dicso partners in the park and glass coffee table cocain snorting as far as the normal gay experience. To my knowledge anyway. It's more aggressive hair, torn jeans, and bitchy attitude nowadays.
He said that we had a lot of potential and talent but would waste it if we didnt' turn around. I... didn't really know what to say because he was just so inaccurate. But when I did speak I was totally truthful.
It kind of turned into a discussion of how Nate and I turned out a lot like our dads (before growing out of it over the years, respectively). And it seems like Jerry was feeling sorry because he realized he needed to clean up his act too. It was just all so out of nowhere and far off from anything that I would ever think would happen in real life.
Over the course we learned some stuff I guess. If not just about our individual perspectives. Jerry talked about how I was an attractive guy and the most talented that he and Nate knew so I should find a way to turn straight so I could be more succesfull. (lol. cuz gay people have such a hard time in the art world). Jerry thought Nate was being gay to get back at him and I to at my dad and the world at large. Because I got made fun of so much in grade school.
I didn't think that it was that bad, but if Jerry knew about it and remembered it while totally out of it it must have happened often. Nate confirmed that it did. I remember the older kids giving me shit when I was in 1-4th grade. Nate mentioned him/Matt/Jake giving me shit in 5-8th alos. I remember, but it never was that big of a deal to me. The only thing I really cared about was how my friendship with Nate would turn out. Otherwise I was happy being who I was so the teasing rarely got to me.
I must say I still am comfortable with who I am and wouldn't change. It was a reassuring realization.
The situation was hilarious on the whole, but it was gettin to be past 6am so we got going back to Nate's.
Last Friday 1/20/06
Got like 3 hours of sleep. Up at noon. We had intended to maybe go shopping with his giftcards, but he wasn't in the mood. I was pissed at his inaction, but then got over it by going on LJ and checking for a movie to go see. I chose Match Point because I had been waiting for it for so long and it was finally here.
In the mean time there was Aaron/Sammy by to pick something of theirs up. Nikki from upstairs came by to talk to Steph. I remained on laptop and chose Nate's bed. I really didn't want to talk to any of them because I get ooky dislike vibes from Aaron sometimes. And I didn't want to put pants on. But whichever. lol.
Nate came in and sat on his couch to kitty manicure Giles. I presented the Rent soundtrack and we discussed it's merit. And Brokeback Mountain again. yay.
After some rough housing he dropped me off at the Oriental, but I had to go get cash across the street. When I was back inside and buying my ticket a woman came running up to me and handed me my Bank card. I thought I had grabbed it but I guess not. I thanked her muchly and felt very gooey and relieved that there are still people in the world willing to run after someone in the snow to return their money. And of how lucky I was.
Amusing, considering that was the theme of Match Point. I would get really into it, but this entry is already one of the longest things ever. I guess it was a triumph for Woody Allen, but his movies have sucked in general in the past years, so maybe that made it seem all the better. I was terribly unimpressed and thought it totally didn't live up to the hype. The main character wasn't a good person.
The supporting characters were all good and nicely done, but the main guy and Scarlett Johansson were just... glark. He was ok, but not terribly... alive. Kind of drifting through being unlikeable. And Scarlett Johansson, who I decided before seeing the movie I decided I would decide (...) if I really like or not, either can't act, or was acting like she can't act.
See it and you'll know what I mean... but find a way to see it without wasting money on it. lol.
After that there was bussing and homing and sleeping.
Dear Lord that shit got long. Actually, on a self-involved side note, I feel like the majority of that was actually really in tune with me and my writing rhythm/vernacular at its best.
*adds to favorites*
That took an hour and a half so... I think its time to hit the floor.