Going To Work All Gooey

Dec 24, 2005 00:35

This morning I woke up to Nate texting me to call him when I was arisen (and my cloths were neatly folded and sitting in the angel's lap). So did that right away. We sussed out the business with me taking the guy's phone number last night.
Then I read two issues of that new comic I got called Girls.
And realized it was one of the coolest things ever. If it lasts.
Nate called to proposition me for New Hong Kong, which is what I really would have liked to do last night were it not for others being busy till later, so I gave in like the slut that I am.
Read another issue of Girls.
Got showered, and ready, and taken away. And got excited obviously, because when fat people celebrate it is always with food.
I assigned the third plate as the one where I would start feeling bad about the starving children in India. But such is life. Moving on.
Nate and I covered a variety of things. I'll cover the one most applicable to me for time and for because this is my journal. We decided officially that the other is irreplaceable. No one could really get to know each other as well as we have. Even if that is just because to do so they would need a time machine or something. Then Nate brought up how often time travel is referenced by me/us/our friends. Is it? Certainly often, but not a lot.
So after we hugged and kissed and shared and zerberted and made out and braided each othe's hair and shared again we sat around not wanting to move. A screw fell out of my glasses so Nate jaunted across the street to get me a repair kit. Eric called from work to say I could come in early if I wanted. But I just coulnd't. I needed to get this stuff taken care of.

Work was uneventful. Nate and I were in a really good mood and listening to Reilent K when he dropped me off. He said that he hates feeling gooey when he goes to work. I said I liked it because it made me a more steady worker and others dont' bug me as much. So we were gooey one last bit and then parted.
Stef decided tonight that I'm not allowed to price furniture again because of some error I supposedly made a bit ago where I overpriced a cheap couch. But she just head from the other's in the back that I priced the couch. At $74.99. And I would never price something that hight without asking a manager. On top of the fact I just havent' done furniture int a month or two.
We were super slow and dead tonight. I went out in the store two hours early to asjust and stuff. I was in the potty and decided to take my time cuz there wasn't much to do. So I texted Adam with assorted trance lyrics. tee hee.
An old man was real with me as I carried out a weight bench and angled it into his car after lots of thinking and trying. This job actually is brain surgery.
I called Kip and assortment of names. Kip, Kippy, Kippers, Kipster, trying to find the right one with which to address and annoy him. lol.

We were out of there at 9:30 sharp so a nice quick close. Mom got me, as I was talking to Ben (of course. It's friday after work, who else would I be talking to?) and we stopped at Marshall's. some discount namebrand store I guess. I found a pair of jeans I liked, I really want one of the blacker and brown faded jeans type ones things, but they were actually 38s despite being on a 40 hanger in the 40 section.
What I did find though was a shirt and coatish/sweater thing that I liked. I even tried it on. I haven't tried on something since... ever. But I liked it, and got the opinion of the mirror, fitting room attendant, and my mom that it looked good. I almost called Allie to see if she was currently available to describe it to. But then I decided to debut it at her classy party on Wednesday. It's not particularly dressy, but it is quite dressy if you're me. I'd go so far as to say it's an "outfit". But I don't think I will so as to spare my life p.o.v.
It's more trendy than I'm used to also. Let's just say it involves argyle. Bryn would be proud.
I ran into Kyle from work in the checkout line. Guess he went there after work too.

I was gonna play in photoshop tonight, but I'm somehow tired despite getting 9.5 hours of sleep last night. So will read till I snore. Then resume goofing off tomorrow as I don't work. And will be hanging with Cody for the first time in near four months.

ben, cody, nate, bryn, adam, allie, kip, kyle, stef, goodwill

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