Dec 08, 2005 16:43
I had the sudden urge to make an LJ update.
In a thought throwing out kind of fashion.
I have two Allie updates to catch up on, which I'll do at home tonight.
Mmm, work picture posts.
I'd like to make one but think it might not be the best given the current climate at work.
Adrian's LJ, partly cloudy with chance for drama.
Satisfying sleep last night.
Though slept till 7:10am.
Thus unable to shave.
It's been about two weeks I think.
All I need is candy to hand out to innocent bright eyed children from the back of my white van with tinted windows.
Need a van though too...
Ran into Adam zombieing through the Terrace right away upon entring school.
8th Note chained up.
No cheap moderate quality coffee for me.
Fuck Twice Price, aka The Grind.
Adam shared his family fun with me.
And then Suzie came and TV Psychologisted with us.
Jordan walked by and out door and didn't see me so I called her to fun around.
Steph and Peter came by and were adorable together.
Then Steph did a hash(brown) run.
Continued writing 10x Questions for Typography Exam...
Ben came by with super aggressive hair.
And we hugged and shared.
But not really.
He came back second time post Steph and Peter.
Put our hands on each other's knees.
This time I'm serious.
Colon lowercase p.
Bartered laptop usage for half a hardshell taco.
Advertising was moderate.
Got second paper back, the Mean Girls one I enjoyed writing more than the first one, though I got an A- on this one.
Oh well. I really shouldn't be looking Gift A's riding horses in the mouth.
Asked Joette if she graded my first paper as opposed to a TA. She did. And remembers enjoying it.
I should be able to handle minoring in JMC.
Retrieved computer from Ben.
Flirted openly because two Wisco people were there.
Talked to Brandon about CG for today.
Told Erik that he was an obnoxious bitch to watch him stutter in confusion about how he's actually nice.
Sat through lecture on architecture...
*pokes Brandon* *turns around* "I feel like my face is falling off..."
Get to Plants and study for five minutes sort of.
There are only like 15 I was unsure about so should do somewhere between first and second grade.
Studying last night really helped cuz I remembered Peter and Nate saying answers and it is as if they came to me in a dream... tee hee.
After there was grilled stuft burrito with Nate...
And a confusing hunt for an exit out of Mitchell.
Came to Computer Graphics to finish 10en ?uestions.
Where people gathered in various states of concern as per usual about the project.
Did teacher evals.
Jordan had to do her questions still, so I took her place running the evals over to the Art Building.
Almost slipping.
And seeing a teacher running around outside trying to get to class.
Which reminded me that even teachers aren't perfect.
Got back and realized that Michael got a haircut.
Confirmed. Told him he looked adorable.
And he was appreciative.
Then Jordan showed me boots she got at work she described as "fierce".
Volume of click of woman's boot = woman's power.
A couple pictures today. As usual.
My haiku shall be about bears and winter.
Michaels is about oral sex innuendos and burritos.
And tries to play the "you're making it dirty not me game."
Actually, no.
I recommended when he uses the word "inside" on his image, which he has a black circle behind that he have a Georgia O'Keefe painting on either side and a picture of a cavern inside the circle.
With bats in it for that extra touch of Freud.
So there.
computer graphics,
design survey