Nov 16, 2005 00:25
Ok. I finished my Design Survey paper at 11:30ish and edited it and turned it in. I just finished watching an orgasmic episode of Gilmore Girls. From last week. Still on VHS. But from this point on all shows I watch will now be in glorious DVR. If it had an orifice I would have sexual encounters with it nightly cuz it is that secksy.
I went to Barnes N Noble Mayfair to write my paper. No real reason, but being at home is far too distracting for paper writing. And staying at school that late is depressing cuz it gets so barren and empty and... night schoolish. Ick. I called Ben on the bus and, among other things, ordered him to get an Amazon wishlist so I could buy him something for Christmas. Listened to I Am Me a second time all the way through and realized that it's actually pretty decent. Sent a text to Allie. Got a call from KatieAdam about going to Club 5. I so would have if it weren't for paper and project dueness. But then, when do I ever have nights without something big due the next day? At least till Thanksgiving that is. Nate called while I was writing.
So essentially I bring this up to note that I covered all my bases with my Big Four. Yes, I think I might be moving on from my almost religious Big Three to a Big Four, not just the evil generals from Monster Rancher anymore. Perhaps I'm jumping the gun on giving Ben laude, but we'll see how things go... over the next couple
On similar topics: I'm going to Bryn's tomorrow after school/homework for philosophy club at Cardinal Stritch, which I'm looking forward to. Then there is possible abduction by Katie and Adam after (they called about an hour ago and I just stopped this entry to talk to them again :p ). Thursday is Nate's birthdaying. Then sleeping over in The Purple Room up in Madison for the Wisco State Game on Friday with Nate and Ben (I'm not sure if Allie is skipping classes for it, or if she would have to for that matter). I told JJ I'd be in the stands thinking innuendos to myself. And... cheering them on. Last time I was at a state game I spent most of my time thinking about Farenheit 451 so... why did I just bring that up?
Kate called a bit after midnight to drunkenly inform me that she got, dammitwhatsitcalled, some silver wing pin wearing pilot's assisstant in cockpit fighter plane... thing. Goose (?) from Top Gun she said. So if that means anything to you then go with it.
Speaking of going... time for floor cuz I got to put our process book sheets in sleeves tomorrow and read/make 10 questions from the Typography text book.
tv whore,
design survey