(no subject)

Feb 25, 2010 10:15

Haman exited the enormous hangar in her newly acquired Gaza C.  The terrain was desolate.  Bizarre…  She was given a mobile suit by some generous people(??!) to leave as she pleased, and apparently, a clear exit.

She felt compelled to explore a little bit, considering this was a completely foreign place.  It felt she didn’t go particularly far before she caught sight of a small group of GMs.

“GMs?!  What the--  Why would anybody possibly possess such an outdated mobile suit?  This must be the place that time forgot!”  She tossed her hair to the side, quirked an eyebrow, and decided to attempt to open comm.

“RGM-79 fleet, this is Haman Karn.  Requesting FoF status.”

But she got no verbal reply.  Instead, the GMs turned their attention to her, the closest one firing a shot off at her from a small beam rifle.  Clearly, these were NOT  friendlies.   She pulled hard on her controls, managing to only be grazed by the surprise shot fired.

“Fine, if that’s how you would like to play… You have certainly underestimated my abilities!”

Pulling out both of AMX-003’s beam sabers,  thrusting her suit straight into the middle of the small fleet of GMs.  Haman makes it seem so effortless,  beam sabers slicing through the thinly-armored suits with little resistance.  Soon, there were mangled mobile suits laying at the feet of the Gaza C, and Haman plunged a beam right through the midsection of the last GM,  feeling slightly fervent watching the clearly inferior suit’s small explosion.

The feeling didn’t last long though.  Something caught her attention, as she directed her suit toward the  feeling.  This was certainly not a foreign feeling, a strong pulling sensation inside her head.  She smiled coyly.

“There is someone here after all…”

amuro ray, haman karn

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