Dear Life, you're crazy

Jan 31, 2011 19:00

So, this past week has been rather interesting for me. When I went to work on Tuesday I learned something fun. All three of the managment staff were fired. Yup, released from empoloyment, removed from their positions, handed their walking papers, however one wishes to say it. Fun times. The past week (which I worked) I've had a different manager from a different store there. None of them know the protocalls for working at my store since we run a little differently than other stores in the company. All of our regular customers are asking questions that I can't answer because I can't really talk about what happened to the managemnt staff. And while these relovling door of managers work in my store I have to explain how things are run here. Which, at times, is different than what they are use to. Fun times.
Not only that, but they are rearanging everything to make things more efficent. Good for them. But they don't tell anyone the changes they are making so when I come in for my shift I have to ask where things are. But the manager I'm working with wasn't the one who changed things so eh doesn't know. That was the work of the guy from yesterday! So I get to play hide and seek while a line of customers wait while I try and relearn where every thing is in my store! Fun times.
And to add on to all of this fun, they want me to become a key holder! HA! Not going to happen! Did you not just see what happened to the previous key holders? I'm not going to put myself in a postion to be thrown under the bus. If my store can look good by throwing its' workers under the bus, I don't want to work there. But until I can find a better place to work, I'm stuck where I am and hating it.
Let me tell ya, fun times.

rant and rave, work

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