Title: When You’re Good to Mama
Pairings: Heero/Duo
Spoilers: I'd be very scared if there were any.
WARNINGS: Do not enter if Duo's singing and dancing scares you.
Disclaimer: I do not own anything in this fic. All characters and song lyrics will be returned to their original owners. Though I wouldn't hold my breath on them being returned as found.
Summary: Duo's waiting for Heero to return from work and gets restless.
When You’re Good to Mama
Heero was still not home from work and Duo was getting restless. So, he decided to put a DVD on until Heero got home with their food. There was nothing stopping Duo from walking down the street to the take-away, except that the woman who owned it preferred Heero to him and they knew Heero better for it. That and Heero had threatened to kill him if he ever went there again, just because he had got the order wrong.
The DVD buzzed and hummed as the film started. Duo had forgot which one he had put in, so he was pleasantly surprised when he found it was Chicago. He had got through some of the songs with ease, finding he lacked the energy to sing or dance along with any of them. But when he heard the drum roll, something inside clicked and he got up and drowned out the DVD with his voice.
“Ask any of the chickies in my pen
They'll tell ya I'm the biggest mother hen
I love 'em all and all of them love me
Because the system works
The system called reciprocity...
Got a little motto
Always sees me through
When you're good to Mama
Mama's good to you!
There's a lot of favours
I'm prepared to do
You do one for Mama
She'll do one for you
They say that life is tit for tat
And that's the way I live
So, I deserve a lot of tat
For what I've got to give
Don't you know that this hand
Washes that one too
When you're good to Mama
Mama's good to you!
If you want my gravy
Pepper my ragout
Spice it up for Mama
She'll get hot for you
When they pass that basket
Folks contribute too
You put in for Mama
She'll put out for you
The folks atop the ladder
Are the ones the world adores
So boost me up my ladder, kid
And I'll boost you up yours
Let's all stroke together
Like the Princeton crew
When you're strokin' Mama
Mama's strokin' you.”
It was here that he realised that he was stroking Quatre and the man looked quite terrified of Duo. Duo laughed awkwardly to try and disguise any embarrassment he was feeling. Heero was looking at his in silent fury and embarrassment that Duo was slowly becoming accustomed too. Trowa looked like he was going to punch Duo at any moment. Heero turned to the other two.
“I’m sorry. He’s been like this for a while now. I’m thinking about putting him in counselling.” Trowa relaxed slightly and put his arm around Quatre who then shot up into the air. Duo looked at Heero furiously.
“What do you mean put me in counselling?” He demanded to know.
“Exactly what it means. I bumped in Trowa and Quatre on my way home and invited them to tea. Kindly keep your hands off both of them.” Duo turned the film off and helped Heero with the food. Trowa tried to calm Quatre down who wanted to leave without eating and Quatre was near breaking point. There was silence throughout the meal and once it was over Quatre ran out of the apartment screaming. Trowa followed closel behind him to make sure he didn’t run into traffic and Heero just sat and glared at Duo.