Just thought of dropping by and posting the links of my fanfics here. XD
I knew that GW fandom's kinda went dormant for the previous years, but I believe there were still a bunch of fans that we're still dedicated to the fourteen-year-old anime. *wink*
My favorite pairing (4xd) was not very popular, but I just love them together. They were so distantly different yet so eerily alike at the same time.
Oh well, enough for this.
Three cheers!! This is dedicated to the dedicated fans.
TITLE: Scissored Kismets
GENRE: Romance/ General
PAIRING: Quatre x Dorothy
DISCLAIMER: I do not own GW and any of its characters. I only borrowed them for this fic, so don't sue. XD
PROLOGUE I:SurrealPROLOGUE II: So RealCHAPTER 1: Lemonade ConfessionsCHAPTER 2: Murmured FacadesCHAPTER 3: Ersatz