★ Name: Lia/Cerri/Rei
★ Age: 15
★ Gender: kinda female
★ Likes: animals Sarcasm (oh yes), crazy people, pranking/fooling people, winning, people or things that can make me laugh, drawing, Adobe Photoshop, videogames, TV, napping, technology and other geek gear, my cat♥, good music, my friends♥
★ Dislikes: Smartasses unless it's me, kids/children, superior complexes, wannabe people, popular clique, animal cruelty, bad music (vague, yes.), prejudice, discrimination, seafood--Oh fuck I can't think of anymore. :|;;
★ Hobbies, Interests, Talents: iconing, photoshop in general I guess, drawing, napping, videogames, cosplaying. And yknow, other stuff...I can play the flute if that counts.
★ Describe yourself in three words:I really don't like talking about myself.. Sarcastic, anxious, optimistic/pessimistic. And envious :<
★ Strong Points: Fuuuck. I hate doing theses. Depending on whom I'm around, I can be quite patient and willing to take almost any dare in public. Also I tend to make too many jokes no matter what situation I'm in.
★ Weak Points: My Anixety. Ohh my god. I'm really anxious if I'm alone in public or at school. Or if someone I don't really know approaches me. But if I get to know you, I'll easily ease up and make harsh jokes at/with you. :) Also, im really not outgoing. I dislike parties. One thing that bothers me is that I tend to get very envious of people and I hate it when others are chosen over me.
★ Fears: Being let down, having people not live up to my expectations, being alone.
★ Goals in Life:Shutup. To do whatever I want, as long as Im happy.
★ How do you perceive yourself? Look, I don't know. Anxious, I guess. And I get jealous and envious very easily.
★ How do people perceive you? I've been told that I came off as "intimidating."
★ What does "Trust" mean to you? someone?
★ Describe your personality:sarcastic, anxious, unmotivated, biased, pessimistic, funny (or so I've been told), creative, obsessive, shy, passive, optimistic, outspoken, different, vindictive, thoughtful, kind, animal lover, eccentric, random, demanding, eager, friendly, devoted, competitive, envious, courageous, smart-ass
/taken from my extended info.
★ If you have lost everything and everyone you love, what would you do?...Be angry. No, I'm not kidding. I would be very angry. And I would take everyone down with me.
★ Are you a Leader or a Follower? Follower when Im anxious. Leader when I'm around good friends.
★ Are you optimistic or Pessimistic? Both. Pessimistic when I'm alone, optimistic when with others.
★ What is your general Mood? Laid back, I guess. I like to joke around. Oh, and I get jealous pretty easy.
★ Favorite Character and why? I like Hallelujah. Why? Ask any of my closest friends, I always end up liking the crazy bastards in all my favorite fandoms. It's not like I don't like them because they're crazy, but I also just...end up liking them. And they happen to be crazy. And Lyle.
★ Least Favorite Character and why? Tieria and Saji. Ohmygod. Tieria because he just. . .Needs to get over himself, seriously. (I'd also like it if he would just shutup.) Saji, on the other hand, needs to whining and grow some damn balls and do something.
I'd also say those children. But children are all generally bad in anime.
★ Favorite Mobile Suit?
★ Least Favorite Mobile Suit? Tieria's. It has the ability to be obese.
* Would you join Celestial Being? (please explain what you think their motives are if yes) I don't really know. I'd feel terrible if my answer was "Yeah cos it seems fun" rather than fighting for the cause. 8|
* Haro?C'mere, you.
★ Post at least 3 apps. you have voted on
o1) Optional
★ Post a picture of yourself Dont got one for you.
★ Anything Else?...For some reason it sets me off when people eat my left overs. 8|;;;